Delete a package group - CodeArtifact

Delete a package group

You can delete a package group using the CodeArtifact console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Note the following behavior when deleting package groups:

  • The root package group, /*, cannot be deleted.

  • The packages and package versions that are associated with that package group are not deleted.

  • When a package group is deleted, the direct child package groups will become children of the package group's direct parent package group. Therefore, if any of the child groups are inheriting any settings from the parent, those settings could change.

Delete a package group (console)

  1. Open the AWS CodeArtifact console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Domains, and then choose the domain that contains the package group you want to view or edit.

  3. Choose Package groups.

  4. Choose the package group you want to delete and choose Delete.

  5. Enter delete in the field and choose Delete.

Delete a package group (AWS CLI)

To delete a package group, use the delete-package-group command.

aws codeartifact delete-package-group \ --domain my_domain \ --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --package-group '/nuget/*'