List package names - CodeArtifact

List package names

Use the list-packages command in CodeArtifact to get a list of all the package names in a repository. This command returns only the package names, not the versions.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo

Sample output:

{ "nextToken": "eyJidWNrZXRJZCI6I...", "packages": [ { "package": "acorn", "format": "npm", "originConfiguration": { "restrictions": { "publish": "BLOCK", "upstream": "ALLOW" } }, { "package": "acorn-dynamic-import", "format": "npm", "originConfiguration": { "restrictions": { "publish": "BLOCK", "upstream": "ALLOW" } }, { "package": "ajv", "format": "npm", "originConfiguration": { "restrictions": { "publish": "BLOCK", "upstream": "ALLOW" } }, { "package": "ajv-keywords", "format": "npm", "originConfiguration": { "restrictions": { "publish": "BLOCK", "upstream": "ALLOW" } }, { "package": "anymatch", "format": "npm", "originConfiguration": { "restrictions": { "publish": "BLOCK", "upstream": "ALLOW" } }, { "package": "ast", "namespace": "webassemblyjs", "format": "npm", "originConfiguration": { "restrictions": { "publish": "BLOCK", "upstream": "ALLOW" } } ] }

List npm package names

To list only the names of npm packages, set the value of the --format option to npm.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --format npm

To list npm packages in a namespace (npm scope), use the --namespace and --format options.


The value for the --namespace option should not include the leading @. To search for the namespace @types, set the value to types.


The --namespace option filters by namespace prefix. Any npm package with a scope that starts with the value passed to the --namespace option will be returned in the list-packages response.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --format npm --namespace types

Sample output:

{ "nextToken": "eyJidWNrZXRJZ...", "packages": [ { "package": "3d-bin-packing", "namespace": "types", "format": "npm" }, { "package": "a-big-triangle", "namespace": "types", "format": "npm" }, { "package": "a11y-dialog", "namespace": "types", "format": "npm" } ] }

List Maven package names

To list only the names of Maven packages, set the value of the --format option to maven. You must also specify the Maven group ID in the --namespace option.


The --namespace option filters by namespace prefix. Any npm package with a scope that starts with the value passed to the --namespace option will be returned in the list-packages response.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --format maven --namespace org.apache.commons

Sample output:

{ "nextToken": "eyJidWNrZXRJZ...", "packages": [ { "package": "commons-lang3", "namespace": "org.apache.commons", "format": "maven" }, { "package": "commons-collections4", "namespace": "org.apache.commons", "format": "maven" }, { "package": "commons-compress", "namespace": "org.apache.commons", "format": "maven" } ] }

List Python package names

To list only the names of Python packages, set the value of the --format option to pypi.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --format pypi

Filter by package name prefix

To return packages that begin with a specified string, you can use the --package-prefix option.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --format npm --package-prefix pat

Sample output:

{ "nextToken": "eyJidWNrZXRJZ...", "packages": [ { "package": "path", "format": "npm" }, { "package": "pat-test", "format": "npm" }, { "package": "patch-math3", "format": "npm" } ] }

Supported search option combinations

You can use the --format, --namespace, and --package-prefix options in any combination, except that --namespace can't be used by itself. Searching for all npm packages with a scope that starts with @types requires the --format option to be specified. Using --namespace by itself results in an error.

Using none of the three options is also supported by list-packages and will return all packages of all formats present in the repository.

Format output

You can use parameters that are available to all AWS CLI commands to make the list-packages response compact and more readable. Use the --query parameter to specify the format of each returned package version. Use the --output parameter to format the response as plaintext.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --output text --query 'packages[*].[package]'

Sample output:

accepts array-flatten body-parser bytes content-disposition content-type cookie cookie-signature

For more information, see Controlling command output from the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

Defaults and other options

By default, the maximum number of results returned by list-packages is 100. You can change this result limit by using the --max-results option.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo --max-results 20

The maximum allowed value of --max-results is 1,000. To allow listing packages in repositories with more than 1,000 packages, list-packages supports pagination using the nextToken field in the response. If the number of packages in the repository is more than the value of --max-results, you can pass the value of nextToken to another invocation of list-packages to get the next page of results.

aws codeartifact list-packages --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --repository my_repo \ --next-token rO0ABXNyAEdjb...