Adding a blueprint in a project to integrate resources - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Adding a blueprint in a project to integrate resources

You can add multiple blueprints in a project to incorporate functional components, resources, and governance. Your projects can support various elements that are managed independently in separate blueprints. Adding blueprints to a project reduces the need to manually create resources and make software components functional. Your projects can also stay current as requirements evolve. To learn more about adding blueprints in your project, see Working with lifecycle management as a blueprint user.

While configuring a blueprint's details, you can also choose to store the blueprint's source code in a preferred third-party repository, where you can still manage the blueprint and utilize the lifecycle management capabilities to keep your project up to date. For more information, see Add functionality to projects with extensions in CodeCatalyst and Working with lifecycle management as a blueprint user.


To add a blueprint in your CodeCatalyst project, you must be signed in with an account that has the Space administrator, Power user, or Project administrator role in the space.


After adding a blueprint to your project, you can configure your email and Slack notifications to provide updates for the latest changes to the blueprint. For more information, see Sending notifications from CodeCatalyst.

To add a blueprint to your project

  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. In the CodeCatalyst console, navigate to the space, and then choose the project where you want to add a blueprint.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Blueprints, and then choose Add blueprint.


    You can choose to add a blueprint by giving Amazon Q your project requirements to have Amazon Q suggest a blueprint to you. For more information, see Using Amazon Q to choose a blueprint when creating a project or adding functionality and Best practices when using Amazon Q to create projects or add functionality with blueprints. This feature is only available in the US West (Oregon) Region.

    This functionality requires that generative AI features are enabled for the space. For more information, see Managing generative AI features.

  4. Choose a blueprint from the CodeCatalyst blueprints tab or a custom blueprint from the Space blueprints tab, and then choose Next.

  5. Under Blueprint details, choose a blueprint version from the Target version dropdown menu. The latest catalog version is automatically selected.

  6. (Optional) By default, the source code created by the blueprint is stored in a CodeCatalyst repository. Alternatively, you can choose to store the blueprint's source code in a third-party repository. For more information, see Add functionality to projects with extensions in CodeCatalyst.

    Do one of the following depending on the third-party repository provider you want to use:

    • GitHub repositories: Connect a GitHub account.

      Choose the Advanced dropdown menu, choose GitHub as the repository provider, and then choose the GitHub account where you want to store the source code created by the blueprint.


      If you're using a connection to a GitHub account, you must create a personal connection to establish identity mapping between your CodeCatalyst identity and your GitHub identity. For more information, see Personal connections and Accessing GitHub resources with personal connections.

    • Bitbucket repositories: Connect a Bitbucket workspace.

      Choose the Advanced dropdown menu, choose Bitbucket as the repository provider, and then choose the Bitbucket workspace where you want to store the source code created by the blueprint.

    • GitLab repositories: Connect a GitLab user.

      Choose the Advanced dropdown menu, choose GitLab as the repository provider, and then choose the GitLab user where you want to store the source code created by the blueprint.

  7. Under Configure blueprint, configure the blueprint parameters. Depending on the blueprint, you may have the option to name the source repository.

  8. Review the differences between the current blueprint version and your updated version. The difference displayed in a pull request shows the changes between the current version and the latest version, which is the desired version at the time the pull request was created. If no changes display, the versions might be identical, or you might have chosen the same version for both the current version and the desired version.

  9. When you’re satisfied that the pull request contains the code and changes that you want reviewed, choose Add blueprint. After you create the pull request, you can add comments. Comments can be added to the pull request or to individual lines in files as well as to the overall pull request. You can add links to resourcesuch as filesby using the @ sign, followed by the name of the file.


    The blueprint won’t be applied until the pull request is approved and merged. For more information, see Reviewing a pull request and Merging a pull request.

Blueprint authors can also add a custom blueprint to projects in specified spaces that don't have the blueprint available to create new projects or add to existing projects. For more information, see Publishing and adding a custom blueprint in specified spaces and projects.

If you no longer want to receive updates for a blueprint, you can disassociate the blueprint from your project. For more information, see Disassociating a blueprint from a project to stop updates.