Associating an environment with an action - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Associating an environment with an action

When you associate an environment with a supported workflow action, the environment's AWS account, default IAM role, and optional Amazon VPC become assigned to the action. The action can then connect and deploy to the AWS account using the IAM role, and also connect to the optional Amazon VPC.

Use the following instructions to associate an environment with an action.

Step 1: Associate the environment with a workflow action

Use the following procedure to associate an environment with a workflow action.

To associate an environment with a workflow action using the visual editor
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Choose Visual.

  7. In the workflow diagram, choose an action that is supported with environments. For more information, see Which actions support having their deployment information displayed in CodeCatalyst?.

  8. Choose the Configuration tab, and specify information in the Environment field, as follows.


    Specify the CodeCatalyst environment to use with the action. The action connects to the AWS account and optional Amazon VPC specified in the chosen environment. The action uses the default IAM role specified in the environment to connect to the AWS account, and uses the IAM role specified in the Amazon VPC connection to connect to the Amazon VPC.


    If the default IAM role does not have the permissions required by the action, you can configure the action to use a different role. For more information, see Changing the IAM role of an action.

    For more information about environments, see Deploying into AWS accounts and VPCs and Creating an environment.

  9. (Optional) Change the IAM role associated with the action. You might want to change the role if it contains the wrong set of permissions for the action.

    To change the role:

    1. In the What's in my-environment ? box, and choose the vertical ellipsis icon ( Ellipsis. ).

    2. Choose one of the following:

      • Switch role. Choose this option to change the IAM role used by this action, and only this action. Other actions continue to use the default IAM role specified in their associated environment. For more information, see Changing the IAM role of an action.

      • Edit environment. Choose this option to change the default IAM role listed in your environment. When you choose this option, your action—and any other action associated with the same environment—begins using the new default IAM role.


        Use caution when updating the default IAM role. Changing the role might lead to action failures if the permissions in the role are not sufficient for all actions that share the environment.

  10. (Optional) Choose Validate to validate the workflow's YAML code before committing.

  11. Choose Commit, enter a commit message, and choose Commit again.

To associate an environment with a workflow action using the YAML editor
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. Choose YAML.

  7. In the workflow action that you want to associate with an environment, add code similar to the following:

    action-name: Environment: Name: environment-name

    For more information, see the Action types topic. This topic has links into the documentation for each action, including its YAML reference.

  8. (Optional) If you want the action to use a different role from the default IAM role that's listed in the environment, add a Connections: section that includes the role you want to use. For more information, see Changing the IAM role of an action.

  9. (Optional) Choose Validate to validate the workflow's YAML code before committing.

  10. Choose Commit, enter a commit message, and choose Commit again.

Step 2: Populate the deployment activity page

After associating an environment with a workflow action, you can populate the Deployment activity and Deployment target pages in the Environments section of the CodeCatalyst console with deployment information. Use the following instructions to populate these pages.


Only a few actions support having their deployment information displayed in the CodeCatalyst console. For more information, see Which actions support having their deployment information displayed in CodeCatalyst?.

To add deployment information to CodeCatalyst
  1. If a workflow run did not start automatically when you committed your changes in Step 1: Associate the environment with a workflow action, manually start a run as follows:

    1. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

    2. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

    3. Choose Run.

    The workflow run starts a new deployment, which causes CodeCatalyst to add deployment information to CodeCatalyst.

  2. Verify that deployment activity was added to the CodeCatalyst console:

    1. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Environments.

    2. Choose your environment (for example, Production).

    3. Choose the Deployment activity tab, and verify that a deployment appears with a Status of SUCCEEDED. This indicates that a workflow run successfully deployed your application resources.

    4. Choose the Deployment targets tab, and verify that your application resources appear.