Accessing logged events in CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Accessing logged events in CodeCatalyst

When users perform actions in Amazon CodeCatalyst, these actions are recorded as events. You can use the AWS CLI to view logs of events in a space in a specified timeframe. You can view these events to review actions taken in the space, including the date and time of the actions, the name of the user who performed the action, and the IP address where the user made the request.


Management events for a CodeCatalyst space are logged in CloudTrail for the connected billing account. For more information about CodeCatalyst management events that are logged by CloudTrail, see CodeCatalyst information in CloudTrail.

In order to view a log of events for a space, you must have installed and configured the AWS CLI with a profile for CodeCatalyst, and you must have the Space administrator role for the space. For more information, see Setting up to use the AWS CLI with CodeCatalyst and Space administrator role.


To view logging for events that occur on behalf of CodeCatalyst in connected AWS accounts, or to view logging for events for space or project resources in the connected billing account, you can use AWS CloudTrail. For more information, see Logging CodeCatalyst API calls in connected AWS accounts using AWS CloudTrail.

  1. Open a terminal or command line and run the aws codecatalyst list-event-logs command, specifying:

    • The name of the space with the --space-name option.

    • The date and time when you want to start reviewing events, in coordinated universal time (UTC) timestamp format as specified in RFC 3339, with the --start-time option.

    • The date and time when you want to stop reviewing events, in coordinated universal time (UTC) timestamp format as specified in RFC 3339, with the --end-time option.

    • (Optional) The maximum number of results to return in a single response, with the --max-results option. If the number of results is larger than the number you specify, the response will include a nextToken element which you can use to return the next results.

    • (Optional) Limit the results to a specific event type you want returned, with the --event-name option.

    This example returns logged events in the space named ExampleCorp from the time period 2022-11-30 to 2022-12-01, and that a maximum of 2 events be returned in the response.

    aws codecatalyst list-event-logs --space-name ExampleCorp --start-time 2022-11-30 --end-time 2022-12-01 --event-name list-event-logs --max-results 2
  2. If events occurred in this time frame, the command returns results similar to the following:

    { "nextToken": "EXAMPLE", "items": [ { "id": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "eventName": "listEventLogs", "eventType": "AwsApiCall", "eventCategory": "MANAGEMENT", "eventSource": "manage", "eventTime": "2022-12-01T22:47:24.605000+00:00", "operationType": "READONLY", "userIdentity": { "userType": "USER", "principalId": "a1b2c3d4e5-678fgh90-1a2b-3c4d-e5f6-EXAMPLE11111" "userName": "MaryMajor" }, "requestId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222", "requestPayload": { "contentType": "application/json", "data": "{\"spaceName\":\"ExampleCorp\",\"startTime\":\"2022-12-01T00:00:00Z\",\"endTime\":\"2022-12-10T00:00:00Z\",\"maxResults\":\"2\"}" }, "sourceIpAddress": "", "userAgent": "aws-cli/2.9.0 Python/3.9.11 Darwin/21.3.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off command/codecatalyst.list-event-logs" }, { "id": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLEaaaaa", "eventName": "createProject", "eventType": "AwsApiCall", "eventCategory": "MANAGEMENT", "eventSource": "manage", "eventTime": "2022-12-01T09:15:32.068000+00:00", "operationType": "MUTATION", "userIdentity": { "userType": "USER", "principalId": "a1b2c3d4e5-678fgh90-1a2b-3c4d-e5f6-EXAMPLE11111", "userName": "MaryMajor" }, "requestId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE33333", "requestPayload": { "contentType": "application/json", "data": "{\"spaceName\":\"ExampleCorp\",\"name\":\"MyFirstProject\",\"displayName\":\"MyFirstProject\"}" }, "responsePayload": { "contentType": "application/json", "data": "{\"spaceName\":\"ExampleCorp\",\"name\":\"MyFirstProject\",\"displayName\":\"MyFirstProject\",\"id\":\"a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE4444\"}" }, "sourceIpAddress": "", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0" } ] }
  3. Run the list-event-logs command again with the --next-token option and the value of the returned token to retrieve the next set of logged events that match the request.