Working with attachments - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Working with attachments

You can add attachments to issues in CodeCatalyst to make related files easily accessible. Use the following procedure to manage attachments for an issue.

The size of attachments added to issues counts towards your space's storage quotas. For information about viewing and managing attachments for your project, see Viewing and managing attachments.


Attachments to issues are not scanned or analyzed by Amazon CodeCatalyst. Any user could add an attachment to an issue that might potentially contain malicious code or content. Make sure that users are aware of best practices when it comes to managing attachments and guarding against malicious code, content, or viruses.

To add, download, or remove attachments
  1. Choose the issue for which you want to manage attachments. For help on finding your issue, see Finding and viewing issues.

  2. To add an attachment, choose Upload file. Navigate to the file in your operating system's file explorer and select it. Choose Open to add it as an attachment. For quota information, such as maximum attachment size, see Quotas for issues in CodeCatalyst.

    Note the following restrictions to attachment file names and content types:

    • The following characters are not permitted in file names:

      • Control characters: 0x00–0x1f and 0x80–0x9f

      • Reserved characters: /, ?, <, >, \, :, *, |, and "

      • Unix reserved filenames: . and ..

      • Trailing periods and spaces

      • Windows reserved filenames: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9

    • The content type of the attachment must adhere to the following media-type pattern:

      media-type = type "/" [tree "."] subtype ["+" suffix]* [";" parameter];

      For example, text/html; charset=UTF-8.

  3. To download an attachment, choose the ellipses menu next to the attachment you want to download and choose Download.

  4. To copy an attachment's URL, choose the ellipses menu next to the attachment of which you want to copy the URL and choose Copy URL.

  5. To remove an attachment, choose the ellipses menu next to the attachment you want to remove and choose Delete.