Setting publishing permissions for a custom blueprint - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Setting publishing permissions for a custom blueprint

By default, a custom blueprint's permission is enabled if a workflow release was generated during project creation. When publishing permissions are enabled, the blueprint can be published to the space. You can disable the permission so that the blueprint can't be published. When the permission is disabled, the release workflow that is generated during blueprint creation doesn't run. New changes to a blueprint can't be published unless the blueprint's permissions are enabled.


To enable or disable a custom blueprint project’s publishing permissions, you must be signed in with an account that has the Space administrator or Power user role in the space.

To set a blueprint project's publishing permissions

  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. In the CodeCatalyst console, navigate to the space where you want to manage a custom blueprint's publishing permissions.

  3. On the space dashboard, choose the Settings tab, and then choose Blueprints.

  4. Choose the Project publishing permissions tab to view the publishing permissions for all your space's blueprints.

  5. Choose the blueprint that you want to manage, and then choose Enable or Disable to change the publishing permissions. If you're enabling the permissions, review the permission change details, and then choose Enable blueprint publishing to confirm the change.