'Amazon S3 publish' action YAML - Amazon CodeCatalyst

'Amazon S3 publish' action YAML

The following is the YAML definition of the Amazon S3 publish action. To learn how to use this action, see Publishing files to Amazon S3 with a workflow.

This action definition exists as a section within a broader workflow definition file. For more information about this file, see Workflow YAML definition.


Most of the YAML properties that follow have corresponding UI elements in the visual editor. To look up a UI element, use Ctrl+F. The element will be listed with its associated YAML property.

# The workflow definition starts here. # See Top-level properties for details. Name: MyWorkflow SchemaVersion: 1.0 Actions: # The action definition starts here. S3Publish_nn: Identifier: aws/s3-publish@v1 DependsOn: - build-action Compute: Type: EC2 | Lambda Fleet: fleet-name Timeout: timeout-minutes Inputs: Sources: - source-name-1 Artifacts: - artifact-name Variables: - Name: variable-name-1 Value: variable-value-1 - Name: variable-name-2 Value: variable-value-2 Environment: Name: environment-name Connections: - Name: account-connection-name Role: iam-role-name Configuration: SourcePath: my/source DestinationBucketName: s3-bucket-name TargetPath: my/target



Specify the name of the action. All action names must be unique within the workflow. Action names are limited to alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Spaces are not allowed. You cannot use quotation marks to enable special characters and spaces in action names.

Default: S3Publish_nn.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Action name




Identifies the action. Do not change this property unless you want to change the version. For more information, see Specifying the action version to use.

Default: aws/s3-publish@v1.

Corresponding UI: Workflow diagram/S3Publish_nn/aws/s3-publish@v1 label




Specify an action, action group, or gate that must run successfully in order for this action to run.

For more information about the 'depends on' functionality, see Sequencing actions.

Corresponding UI: Inputs tab/Depends on - optional




The computing engine used to run your workflow actions. You can specify compute either at the workflow level or at the action level, but not both. When specified at the workflow level, the compute configuration applies to all actions defined in the workflow. At the workflow level, you can also run multiple actions on the same instance. For more information, see Sharing compute across actions.

Corresponding UI: none



(Required if Compute is included)

The type of compute engine. You can use one of the following values:

  • EC2 (visual editor) or EC2 (YAML editor)

    Optimized for flexibility during action runs.

  • Lambda (visual editor) or Lambda (YAML editor)

    Optimized action start-up speeds.

For more information about compute types, see Compute types.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Compute type




Specify the machine or fleet that will run your workflow or workflow actions. With on-demand fleets, when an action starts, the workflow provisions the resources it needs, and the machines are destroyed when the action finishes. Examples of on-demand fleets: Linux.x86-64.Large, Linux.x86-64.XLarge. For more information about on-demand fleets, see On-demand fleet properties.

With provisioned fleets, you configure a set of dedicated machines to run your workflow actions. These machines remain idle, ready to process actions immediately. For more information about provisioned fleets, see Provisioned fleet properties.

If Fleet is omitted, the default is Linux.x86-64.Large.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Compute fleet




Specify the amount of time in minutes (YAML editor), or hours and minutes (visual editor), that the action can run before CodeCatalyst ends the action. The minimum is 5 minutes and the maximum is described in Quotas for workflows in CodeCatalyst. The default timeout is the same as the maximum timeout.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Timeout - optional




The Inputs section defines the data that the S3Publish needs during a workflow run.


A maximum of four inputs (one source and three artifacts) are allowed for each AWS CDK deploy action. Variables do not count towards this total.

If you need to refer to files residing in different inputs (say a source and an artifact), the source input is the primary input, and the artifact is the secondary input. References to files in secondary inputs take a special prefix to distiguish them from the primary. For details, see Example: Referencing files in multiple artifacts.

Corresponding UI: Inputs tab



(Required if the files you want to publish to Amazon S3 are stored in a source repository)

If the files that you want to publish to Amazon S3 are stored in a source repository, specify the label of that source repository. Currently, the only supported label is WorkflowSource.

If the files that you want to publish to Amazon S3 are not contained within a source repository, they must reside in an artifact generated by another action.

For more information about sources, see Connecting source repositories to workflows.

Corresponding UI: Inputs tab/Sources - optional

Artifacts - input


(Required if the files you want to publish to Amazon S3 are stored in an output artifact from a previous action)

If the files that you want to publish to Amazon S3 are contained in an artifact generated by a previous action, specify that artifact here. If your files are not contained within an artifact, they must reside in your source repository.

For more information about artifacts, including examples, see Sharing artifacts and files between actions.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Artifacts - optional

Variables - input



Specify a sequence of name/value pairs that define the input variables that you want to make available to the action. Variable names are limited to alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Spaces are not allowed. You cannot use quotation marks to enable special characters and spaces in variable names.

For more information about variables, including examples, see Using variables in workflows.

Corresponding UI: Inputs tab/Variables - optional




Specify the CodeCatalyst environment to use with the action. The action connects to the AWS account and optional Amazon VPC specified in the chosen environment. The action uses the default IAM role specified in the environment to connect to the AWS account, and uses the IAM role specified in the Amazon VPC connection to connect to the Amazon VPC.


If the default IAM role does not have the permissions required by the action, you can configure the action to use a different role. For more information, see Changing the IAM role of an action.

For more information about environments, see Deploying into AWS accounts and VPCs and Creating an environment.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Environment



(Required if Environment is included)

Specify the name of an existing environment that you want to associate with the action.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Environment



(Optional in newer versions of the action; required in older versions)

Specify the account connection to associate with the action. You can specify a maximum of one account connection under Environment.

If you do not specify an account connection:

  • The action uses the AWS account connection and default IAM role specified in the environment in the CodeCatalyst console. For information about adding an account connection and default IAM role to environment, see Creating an environment.

  • The default IAM role must include the policies and permissions required by the action. To determine what those policies and permissions are, see the description of the Role property in the action's YAML definition documentation.

For more information about account connections, see Allowing access to AWS resources with connected AWS accounts. For information about adding an account connection to an environment, see Creating an environment.

Corresponding UI: One of the following depending on the action version:

  • (Newer versions) Configuration tab/Environment/What's in my-environment?/three dot menu/Switch role

  • (Older versions) Configuration tab/'Environment/account/role'/AWS account connection



(Required if Connections is included)

Specify the name of the account connection.

Corresponding UI: One of the following depending on the action version:

  • (Newer versions) Configuration tab/Environment/What's in my-environment?/three dot menu/Switch role

  • (Older versions) Configuration tab/'Environment/account/role'/AWS account connection



(Required if Connections is included)

Specify the name of the IAM role that the Amazon S3 publish action uses to access AWS and to copy files to Amazon S3. Make sure that you have added the role to your CodeCatalyst space, and that the role includes the following policies.

If you do not specify an IAM role, then the action uses the default IAM role listed in the environment in the CodeCatalyst console. If you use the default role in the environment, make sure it has the following policies.

  • The following permissions policy:


    Limit the permissions to those shown in the following policy. Using a role with broader permissions might pose a security risk.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name", "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*" ] } ] }
  • The following custom trust policy:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "codecatalyst-runner.amazonaws.com", "codecatalyst.amazonaws.com" ] }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

You can use the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName role with this action, if you'd like. For more information about this role, see Creating the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName role for your account and space. Understand that the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName role has full access permissions which may pose a security risk. We recommend that you only use this role in tutorials and scenarios where security is less of a concern.

Corresponding UI: One of the following depending on the action version:

  • (Newer versions) Configuration tab/Environment/What's in my-environment?/three dot menu/Switch role

  • (Older versions) Configuration tab/'Environment/account/role'/Role




A section where you can define the configuration properties of the action.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab




Specify the name and path of a directory or file that you want to publish to Amazon S3. The directory or file can reside in a source repository or an artifact from a previous action, and is relative to the source repository or artifact root.


Specifying ./myFolder/ copies the contents of /myFolder to Amazon S3, and preserves the underlying directory structure.

Specifying ./myFolder/myfile.txt copies just myfile.txt to Amazon S3. (The directory structure is removed.)

You cannot use wildcards.


You may need to add a prefix to the directory or file path to indicate which artifact or source to find it in. For more information, see Referencing source repository files and Referencing files in an artifact.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Source path




Specify the name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want to publish files.

Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Destination bucket - optional




Specify the name and path of the directory in Amazon S3 where you want to publish your files. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. The directory path must not include the bucket name.




Corresponding UI: Configuration tab/Destination directory - optional