Editing a Dev Environment for your space - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Editing a Dev Environment for your space

You can edit the configuration for a Dev Environment, such as the configured length of timeout, if any, for an idle Dev Environment to stop running. For more information about editing a Dev Environment, see Editing a Dev Environment.

You must have the Space administrator role to view this page and to manage Dev Environments at the space level.

To edit Dev Environments in your space
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at https://codecatalyst.aws/.

  2. Navigate to your CodeCatalyst space.


    If you belong to more than one space, choose a space in the top navigation bar.

  3. Choose Settings, and then choose Dev Environments.

  4. Choose the selector next to the Dev Environment you want to manage. Choose Edit.

  5. Make the changes you want to the compute or inactivity timeout for the Dev Environment.

  6. Choose Save.