Troubleshooting Amazon CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Troubleshooting Amazon CodeCatalyst

The following information can help you troubleshoot common issues in CodeCatalyst. You can also use the Amazon CodeCatalyst health report to determine if there are service issues that might be impacting your experience.

Troubleshooting general access issues

I forgot my password

Problem: I forgot the password I use for my AWS Builder ID and Amazon CodeCatalyst.

Possible fixes: The easiest way to fix this problem is to reset your password.

  1. Open Amazon CodeCatalyst and enter your Email address. Then, choose Continue.

  2. Choose Forgot password?

  3. We'll send you an email with a link for you to change your password. If you don't see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.

Some or all of Amazon CodeCatalyst isn't available

Problem: I navigated to or followed a link to the CodeCatalyst console, but I see an error.

Possible fixes: The most common reasons for this problem are that you either followed a link to a project or a space you haven't been invited to, or there is a general availability issue with the service. Check the Health report to see if there are any known issues with the service. If not, contact the person who invited you to the project or space and ask for another invitation. If you haven't been invited to any projects or spaces, you can sign up and create your own space and projects.

I can't create a project in CodeCatalyst

Problem: I want to create a project, but the Create project button shows as unavailable, or I receive an error message.

Possible fixes:The most common reasons for this problem are that you are signed in to the console with an AWS Builder ID that doesn't have the Space administrator role. You must have this role to create projects in a space.

If you do have this role and the button does not appear as available, there might be a transitory issue with the service. Refresh your browser and try again.

Troubleshooting support issues

I get an error when I access AWS Support for Amazon CodeCatalyst

Problem: When I choose the AWS Support for Amazon CodeCatalyst option, I receive the following error message:

Unable to assume role

To access support cases, you must add the role AWSRoleForCodeCatalystSupport to the AWS account that is the billing account for the space.

Possible fixes: Add the required role to the AWS account that is the billing account for the space. The account designated as the billing account for the space uses the AWSRoleForCodeCatalystSupport role and AmazonCodeCatalystSupportAccess managed policy. For more information, see Creating the AWSRoleForCodeCatalystSupport role for your account and space.


An AWS Builder ID can only get support for the alias they are authenticated with and only for resources based on permissions in CodeCatalyst. Account and Billing support is available for all users in the space. However, builders can only get support for resources and information they have permissions for in CodeCatalyst.

I cannot create technical support cases for my space

Problem: I cannot create technical support cases for my space.

Fixes: A Business Support or Enterprise Support plan needs to be added to the space billing account in order for users in the space to create technical support cases. Ask your space administrator to add an AWS Support plan to your space billing account or visit to ask the AWS community.

My account for support cases is no longer connected to my space in CodeCatalyst

Problem: My account for support cases is no longer connected to my space in CodeCatalyst.

Fixes: If a user with the Space administrator role switches the space billing account, this will disconnect the AWS Support plan and all associated cases from the space. The AWS Support cases associated with the old space billing account will no longer be visible in AWS Support for Amazon CodeCatalyst. The root user for that billing account can view and resolve old cases from the AWS Management Console and can set up IAM permissions for AWS Support for other users to view and resolve old cases. You will not be able to continue to get technical support for CodeCatalyst from the old space billing account through the AWS Management Console, but you can receive technical support for other services until your AWS Support plan is canceled.

For more information, see Updating, resolving, and reopening your case in the AWS Support User Guide.

I can't open a support case for another AWS service inAWS Support for Amazon CodeCatalyst

Problem: I can’t open a support case for another AWS service in AWS Support for CodeCatalyst.

Possible fixes: You can only open CodeCatalyst support cases from AWS Support for CodeCatalyst. If you need support for services or resources deployed from CodeCatalyst to another AWS, Amazon, or other third-party service, you will need to create a case through the AWS Management Console or the third-party service support channel. For more information, see Creating support cases and case management in the AWS Support User Guide.

Some or all of Amazon CodeCatalyst isn't available

Problem: I navigated to or followed a link to the CodeCatalyst console, but I see an error.

Possible fixes: The most common reasons for this problem are that you either followed a link to a project or a space you haven't been invited to, or there is a general availability issue with the service. Check the Health report to see if there are any known issues with the service. If not, contact the person who invited you to the project or space and ask for another invitation. If you haven't been invited to any projects or spaces, you can sign up and create your own space and projects.

I can't create a project in CodeCatalyst

Problem: I want to create a project, but the Create project button shows as unavailable, or I receive an error message.

Possible fixes: The most common reasons for this problem are that you are signed in to the console with an AWS Builder ID that doesn't have the Space administrator role. You must have this role to create projects in a space.

If you do have this role and the button does not appear as available, there might be a transitory issue with the service. Refresh your browser and try again.

I want to submit feedback in CodeCatalyst

Problem: I found a bug in CodeCatalyst and I want to submit feedback.

Possible fixes: You can submit feedback directly in CodeCatalyst.

  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Give feedback.

  3. Choose the type of feedback from the drop-down menu and enter your feedback.