Viewing a workflow's status - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Viewing a workflow's status

You might want to view the status of a workflow to see if there are any workflow configuration issues you need to address, or to troubleshoot runs that fail to start. CodeCatalyst evaluates the workflow status every time you create or update the workflow's underlying workflow definition file.


You can also view the workflow's run status, which is different from the workflow status. For more information, see Viewing workflow run status and details.

For a list of possible workflow states, see Workflow states in CodeCatalyst.

To view the status of a workflow
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Choose your project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

  4. Choose the name of your workflow. You can filter by the source repository or branch name where the workflow is defined, or filter by workflow name or status.

    The status is displayed with the workflow in the list.

  5. (Optional) Choose the name of the workflow, and find the Workflow definition field. It shows the workflow status.