Your data and privacy in Amazon CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Your data and privacy in Amazon CodeCatalyst

Amazon CodeCatalyst takes your privacy seriously, and the security of your information is our top priority. You can review more about how we handle your information in the AWS Privacy Notice.

To request and view your data, see Requesting your data in the AWS General Reference.

Deleting your AWS Builder ID profile

Deleting your profile is a permanent action that cannot be reversed. The deletion process begins immediately after you choose Delete. Amazon CodeCatalyst starts deleting your profile and all associated personal information. This process may take up to 90 days to complete.

When your profile is deleted, you cannot access or recover your data in Amazon CodeCatalyst. This includes Personal Access Tokens, Roles, User Memberships, and any Amazon CodeCatalyst spaces of which you are the only member. You can no longer sign in to Amazon CodeCatalyst.

For information on how to delete your AWS Builder ID profile, see Deleting your AWS Builder ID in the AWS General Reference.