Step 1: Update your Amazon ECS application - AWS CodeDeploy

Step 1: Update your Amazon ECS application

In this section, you update your Amazon ECS application with a new revision of its task definition. The updated revision adds a new key and tag pair. In Step 3: Use the CodeDeploy console to deploy your application, you deploy the updated version of your Amazon ECS application.

To update your task definition
  1. Open the console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Task Definitions.

  3. Choose the task definition used by your Amazon ECS service.

  4. Select the task definition revision, and then choose Create new revision, Create new revision.

  5. For this tutorial, make a small update to the task definition by adding a tag. At the bottom of the page, under Tags, create a new tag by entering a new key and value pair.

  6. Choose Create.

    Your task definition's revision number is incremented by one.

  7. Choose the JSON tab. Make a note of the following because you need this information in the next step.

    • The value for taskDefinitionArn. Its format is arn:aws:ecs:aws-region:account-id:task-definition/task-definition-family:task-definition-revision. This is the ARN of your updated task definition.

    • In the containerDefinitions element, the value for name. This is the name of your container.

    • In the portMappings element, the value for containerPort. This is the port for your container.