Step 3: Create a lifecycle hook Lambda function
In this section, you implement one Lambda function for your Amazon ECS deployment's
hook. The Lambda function runs a validation test before
the updated Amazon ECS application is installed. For this tutorial, the Lambda function returns
. During a real world deployment, validation tests return
or Failed
, depending on the result of the validation
test. Also during a real world deployment, you might implement a Lambda test function for one
or more of the other Amazon ECS deployment lifecycle event hooks (BeforeInstall
, BeforeAllowTraffic
, and
). For more information, see List of lifecycle
event hooks for an Amazon ECS deployment.
An IAM role is required to create your Lambda function. The role grants the Lambda function permission to write to CloudWatch Logs and set the status of a CodeDeploy lifecycle hook.
To create an IAM role
Open the IAM console at
. -
From the navigation pane, choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
Create a role with the following properties:
Trusted entity: AWS Lambda.
Permissions: AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole. This grants your Lambda function permission to write to CloudWatch Logs.
Role name:
For more information, see Create an AWS Lambda execution role.
Attach the permission
to the role you created. This grants your Lambda functions permission to set the status of a CodeDeploy lifecycle hook during a deployment. For more information, see Adding IAM identity permissions in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide and PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus in the CodeDeploy API Reference.
To create an AfterAllowTestTraffic
hook Lambda function
Create a file named
with the following contents.'use strict'; const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const codedeploy = new AWS.CodeDeploy({apiVersion: '2014-10-06'}); exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { console.log("Entering AfterAllowTestTraffic hook."); // Read the DeploymentId and LifecycleEventHookExecutionId from the event payload var deploymentId = event.DeploymentId; var lifecycleEventHookExecutionId = event.LifecycleEventHookExecutionId; var validationTestResult = "Failed"; // Perform AfterAllowTestTraffic validation tests here. Set the test result // to "Succeeded" for this tutorial. console.log("This is where AfterAllowTestTraffic validation tests happen.") validationTestResult = "Succeeded"; // Complete the AfterAllowTestTraffic hook by sending CodeDeploy the validation status var params = { deploymentId: deploymentId, lifecycleEventHookExecutionId: lifecycleEventHookExecutionId, status: validationTestResult // status can be 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' }; // Pass CodeDeploy the prepared validation test results. codedeploy.putLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus(params, function(err, data) { if (err) { // Validation failed. console.log('AfterAllowTestTraffic validation tests failed'); console.log(err, err.stack); callback("CodeDeploy Status update failed"); } else { // Validation succeeded. console.log("AfterAllowTestTraffic validation tests succeeded"); callback(null, "AfterAllowTestTraffic validation tests succeeded"); } }); }
Create a Lambda deployment package.
zip AfterAllowTestTraffic.js
Use the
command to create a Lambda function for yourAfterAllowTestTraffic lambda create-function --function-name AfterAllowTestTraffic \ --zip-file fileb:// \ --handler AfterAllowTestTraffic.handler \ --runtime nodejs10.x \ --role arn:aws:iam::
:role/lambda-cli-hook-role -
Make a note of your Lambda function ARN in the
response. You use this ARN when you update your CodeDeploy deployment's AppSpec file in the next step.