Troubleshooting AWS CodeStar - AWS CodeStar

On July 31, 2024, Amazon Web Services (AWS) will discontinue support for creating and viewing AWS CodeStar projects. After July 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to access the AWS CodeStar console or create new projects. However, the AWS resources created by AWS CodeStar, including your source repositories, pipelines, and builds, will be unaffected by this change and will continue to function. AWS CodeStar Connections and AWS CodeStar Notifications will not be impacted by this discontinuation.


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Troubleshooting AWS CodeStar

The following information might help you troubleshoot common issues in AWS CodeStar.

Project creation failure: A project was not created

Problem: When you try to create a project, you see a message that says the creation failed.

Possible fixes: The most common reasons for failure are:

  • A project with that ID already exists in your AWS account, possibly in a different AWS Region.

  • The IAM user you used to sign in to the AWS Management Console doesn't have the permissions required to create a project.

  • The AWS CodeStar service role is missing one or more required permissions.

  • You have reached the maximum limit for one or more resources for a project (such as the limit on customer managed policies in IAM, Amazon S3 buckets, or pipelines in CodePipeline).

Before you create a project, verify that you have the AWSCodeStarFullAccess policy applied to your IAM user. For more information, see AWSCodeStarFullAccess Policy.

When you create a project, make sure that the ID is unique and meets the AWS CodeStar requirements. Be sure you selected the AWS CodeStar would like permission to administer AWS resources on your behalf check box.

To troubleshoot other issues, open the AWS CloudFormation console, choose the stack for the project you tried to create, and choose the Events tab. There might be more than one stack for a project. The stack names start with awscodestar- and are followed by the project ID. Stacks might be under the Deleted filter view. Review any failure messages in the stack events and correct the issue listed as the cause of those failures.

Project creation: I see an error when I try to edit Amazon EC2 configuration when creating a project

Problem: When you edit the Amazon EC2 configuration options during project creation, you see an error message or grayed-out option, and cannot continue with project creation.

Possible fixes: The most common reasons for an error message are:

  • The VPC in the AWS CodeStar project template (either the default VPC or the one used when the Amazon EC2 configuration was edited) has dedicated instance tenancy, and the instance type is not supported for dedicated instances. Choose a different instance type or a different Amazon VPC.

  • Your AWS account has no Amazon VPCs. You might have deleted the default VPC and not created any others. Open the Amazon VPC console at, choose Your VPCs, and make sure that you have at least one VPC configured. If not, create one. For more information, see Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Overview in the Amazon VPC Getting Started Guide.

  • The Amazon VPC does not have any subnets. Choose a different VPC or create a subnet for the VPC. For more information, see VPC and Subnet Basics.

Project deletion: An AWS CodeStar project was deleted, but resources still exist

Problem: An AWS CodeStar project was deleted, but resources created for that project still exist. By default, AWS CodeStar deletes project resources when the project is deleted. Some resources, such as Amazon S3 buckets, are retained even if the user selects the Delete resources check box, because the buckets might contain data.

Possible fixes: Open the AWS CloudFormation console and find one or more of the AWS CloudFormation stacks used to create the project. The stack names start with awscodestar- and are followed by the project ID. The stacks might be under the Deleted filter view. Review the events associated with the stack to discover the resources created for the project. Open the console for each of those resources in the AWS Region where you created the AWS CodeStar project, and then manually delete the resources.

Project resources that might remain include:

If your project uses resources outside of AWS (for example, a GitHub repository or issues in Atlassian JIRA), those resources are not deleted, even if the Delete associated AWS resources along with CodeStar project box is selected.

Team management failure: An IAM user could not be added to a team in an AWS CodeStar project

Problem: When you try to add a user to a project, you see an error message that says that the addition failed.

Possible fixes: The most common reason for this error is that the user has reached the limit of managed policies that can be applied to a user in IAM. You might also receive this error if you do not have the owner role in the AWS CodeStar project where you tried to add the user, or if the IAM user does not exist or was deleted.

Make sure you are signed in as an user who is an owner in that AWS CodeStar project. For more information, see Add Team Members to an AWS CodeStar Project .

To troubleshoot other issues, open the IAM console, choose the user you tried to add, and check how many managed policies are applied to that IAM user.

For more information, see Limitations on IAM Entities and Objects. For limits that can be changed, see AWS Service Limits.

Access failure: A federated user cannot access an AWS CodeStar project

Problem: A federated user is unable to see projects in the AWS CodeStar console.

Possible fixes: If you are signed in as a federated user, make sure you have the appropriate managed policy attached to the role you assume to sign in. For more information, see Attach Your Project's AWS CodeStar Viewer/Contributor/Owner Managed Policy to the Federated User's Role.

Add federated users to your AWS Cloud9 environment by manually attaching policies. See Attach an AWS Cloud9 Managed Policy to the Federated User's Role.

Access failure: A federated user cannot access or create an AWS Cloud9 environment

Problem: A federated user is unable to see or create an AWS Cloud9 environment in the AWS Cloud9 console.

Possible fixes: If you are signed in as a federated user, make sure you have the appropriate managed policy attached to the federated user's role.

You add federated users to your AWS Cloud9 environment by manually attaching policies to the federated user's role. See Attach an AWS Cloud9 Managed Policy to the Federated User's Role.

Access failure: A federated user can create an AWS CodeStar project, but cannot view project resources

Problem: A federated user was able to create a project, but cannot view project resources, such as the project pipeline.

Possible fixes: If you have attached the AWSCodeStarFullAccess managed policy, you have permissions to create a project in AWS CodeStar. However, to access all project resources, you must attach the owner managed policy.

After AWS CodeStar creates the project resources, project permissions to all project resources are available in the owner, contributer, and viewer managed policies. To access all of the resources, you must manually attach the owner policy to your role. See Step 3: Configure the User's IAM Permissions.

Service role issue: The service role could not be created

Problem: When you try to create a project in AWS CodeStar, you see a message that prompts you to create the service role. When you choose the option to create it, you see an error.

Possible fixes: The most common reason for this error is that you are signed in to AWS with an account that does not have sufficient permissions to create the service role. To create the AWS CodeStar service role (aws-codestar-service-role), you must be signed in as an administrative user or with a root account. Sign out of the console, and sign in with an IAM user that has the AdministratorAccess managed policy applied.

Service role issue: The service role is not valid or missing

Problem: When you open the AWS CodeStar console, you see a message that says the AWS CodeStar service role is missing or not valid.

Possible fixes: The most common reason for this error is that an administrative user edited or deleted the service role (aws-codestar-service-role). If the service role was deleted, you are prompted to create it. You must be signed in as an administrative user or with a root account to create the role. If the role was edited, it is no longer valid. Sign in to the IAM console as an administrative user, find the service role in the list of roles, and delete it. Switch to the AWS CodeStar console and follow the instructions to create the service role.

Project role issue: AWS Elastic Beanstalk health status checks fail for instances in an AWS CodeStar project

Problem: If you created an AWS CodeStar project that includes Elastic Beanstalk before September 22, 2017, Elastic Beanstalk health status checks might fail. If you have not changed the Elastic Beanstalk configuration since you created the project, the health status check fails and reports a gray state. Despite the health check failure, your application should still run as expected. If you changed the Elastic Beanstalk configuration since you created the project, the health status check fails, and your application might not run correctly.

Fix: One or more IAM roles are missing required IAM policy statements. Add the missing policies to the affected roles in your AWS account.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at

    (If you cannot do this, see your AWS account administrator for assistance.)

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.

  3. In the list of roles, choose CodeStarWorker-Project-ID-EB, where Project-ID is the ID of one of the affected projects. (If you cannot easily find a role in the list, enter some or all of the role's name in the Search box.)

  4. On the Permissions tab, choose Attach Policy.

  5. In the list of policies, select AWSElasticBeanstalkEnhancedHealth and AWSElasticBeanstalkService. (If you cannot easily find a policy in the list, enter some or all of the policy's name in the search box.)

  6. Choose Attach Policy.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each affected role that has a name following the pattern CodeStarWorker-Project-ID-EB.

Project role issue: A project role is not valid or missing

Problem: When you try to add a user to a project, you see an error message that says the addition failed because the policy for a project role is either missing or not valid.

Possible fixes: The most common reason for this error is that one or more project policies was edited in or deleted from IAM. Project policies are unique to AWS CodeStar projects and cannot be recreated. The project cannot be used. Create a project in AWS CodeStar, and then migrate data to the new project. Clone project code from the unusable project's repository, and push that code to the new project's repository. Copy team wiki information from the old project to the new project. Add users to the new project. When you are sure you have migrated all data and settings, delete the unusable project.

Project extensions: Can't connect to JIRA

Problem: When you use the Atlassian JIRA extension to try to connect an AWS CodeStar project to a JIRA instance, the following message is displayed: "The URL is not a valid JIRA URL. Verify that the URL is correct."

Possible fixes:

  • Make sure the JIRA URL is correct, and then try connecting again.

  • Your self-hosted JIRA instance might not be accessible from the public internet. Contact your network administrator to make sure your JIRA instance can be accessed from the public internet, and then try connecting again.

GitHub: Can't access a repository's commit history, issues, or code

Problem: In the dashboard for a project that stores its code in GitHub, the Commit history and GitHub Issues tiles display a connection error, or choosing Open in GitHub or Create issue in these tiles displays an error.

Possible causes:

  • The AWS CodeStar project might no longer have access to the GitHub repository.

  • The repository might have been deleted or renamed in GitHub.

AWS CloudFormation: Stack Creation Rolled Back for Missing Permissions

After you add a resource to the template.yml file, view the AWS CloudFormation stack update for any error messages. The stack update fails if certain criteria are not met (for example, when required resource permissions are missing).


As of May 2, 2019, we have updated the AWS CloudFormation worker role policy for all existing projects. This update reduces the scope of access permissions granted to your project pipeline for improved security in your projects.

To troubleshoot, view the failure status in the AWS CodeStar dashboard view for your project's pipeline.

Next, choose the CloudFormation link in your pipeline's Deploy stage to troubleshoot the failure in the AWS CloudFormation console. To view stack creation details, expand the Events list for your project and view any failure messages. The message indicates which permission is missing. Correct the AWS CloudFormation worker role policy and then execute your pipeline again.

AWS CloudFormation is not authorized to perform iam:PassRole on Lambda execution role

If you have a project created before December 6, 2018 PDT that creates Lambda functions, you might see a AWS CloudFormation error like this:

User: arn:aws:sts::id:assumed-role/CodeStarWorker-project-id-CloudFormation/AWSCloudFormation is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::id:role/CodeStarWorker-project-id-Lambda (Service: AWSLambdaInternal; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: id)

This error occurs because your AWS CloudFormation worker role does not have permission to pass a role for provisioning your new Lambda function.

To fix this error, you will need to update your AWS CloudFormation worker role policy with the following snippet.

{ "Action":[ "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/CodeStarWorker-project-id-Lambda", ], "Effect": "Allow" }

After you update the policy, execute your pipeline again.

Alternatively, you can use a custom role for your Lambda function by adding a permissions boundary to your project, as described in Add an IAM Permissions Boundary to Existing Projects

Unable to create the connection for a GitHub repository


Because a connection to a GitHub repository uses the AWS Connector for GitHub, you need organization owner permissions or admin permissions to the repository to create the connection.

Possible fixes: For information about permission levels for a GitHub repository, see