Updating your CodeWhisperer customizations - CodeWhisperer

CodeWhisperer's features are becoming a part of Amazon Q Developer. Learn more

Updating your CodeWhisperer customizations

The CodeWhisperer Customizations feature is in preview, and is subject to change.

This section explains how to update a customization with CodeWhisperer.

A customization can have multiple versions.

CodeWhisperer administrators have access to a maximum of three versions for each customization:

  • the latest version

  • the currently active version

  • the most recently active version that is not currently active

Creating a new version

CodeWhisperer evaluation interface showing version details and rating scale from 1 to 10.

To create a new version of your customization, follow this procedure:

  1. Open the CodeWhisperer console.

  2. From the navigation pane on the left, choose Customizations.

    The customizations page will appear.

  3. Choose the customization for which you want to create a new version.

    The customization details page will appear.

  4. Select Create new version from the Actions dropdown.

  5. If applicable, change the data source.

    Dialog box for creating a new version, with options to select CodeConnections or Amazon S3 as the source provider.
  6. Choose Create.

If you receive error messages, see Troubleshooting the creation of your customization.