Delegating an administrator account
You can delegate a member account in your organization as an administrator for Compute Optimizer. A delegated administrator can access and manage Compute Optimizer recommendations. A delegated administrator can also set recommendation preferences for your entire organization without the need to access the management account. The management account controls the delegated administrator option for its organization. Each organization can only have one delegated administrator for Compute Optimizer at a time.
The delegated administrator can get and export recommendations, set recommendation preferences, set member account opt-in status, and get projected utilization metrics.
You can limit your delegated administrator’s access to Compute Optimizer actions by setting up appropriate IAM permissions in your IAM policy. For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM.
If you're the delegated administrator and you want to view org-level recommendations, see Policies to grant access to Compute Optimizer for a management account of an organization.
Use the following procedures to register, update, or deregister an account as a delegated administrator. You can do this using the Compute Optimizer console or the AWS CLI.