Components of a Configuration Item - AWS Config

Components of a Configuration Item

A configuration item consists of the following components.

Component Description Contains
Metadata Information about this configuration item
  • Version ID

  • Time when the configuration item was captured

  • Status of the configuration item indicating whether the item was captured successfully

  • State ID indicating the ordering of the configuration items of a resource

Attributes Resource attributes
  • Resource ID

  • List of key–value tags for this resource

  • Resource type; see Supported Resource Types

  • Amazon Resource Name (ARN)

  • Availability Zone that contains this resource, if applicable

  • Time the resource was created

Relationships How the resource is related to other resources associated with the account Description of the relationship, such as Amazon EBS volume vol-1234567 is attached to an Amazon EC2 instance i-a1b2c3d4
Current configuration Information returned through a call to the Describe or List API of the resource For example, DescribeVolumes API returns the following information about the volume:
  • Availability Zone the volume is in

  • Time the volume was attached

  • ID of the EC2 instance it is attached to

  • Current status of the volume

  • State of DeleteOnTermination flag

  • Device the volume is attached to

  • Type of volume, such as gp2, io1, or standard

  1. A configuration item relationship does not include network flow or data flow dependencies. Configuration items cannot be customized to represent your application architecture.

  2. As of Version 1.3, the relatedEvents field is empty. You can access the LookupEvents API in the AWS CloudTrail API Reference to retrieve the events for the resource.

  3. As of Version 1.3, the configurationItemMD5Hash field is empty. You can use the configurationStateId field to ensure you have the latest configuration item.