ControlPlaneUserAttributeFilter - Amazon Connect


An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions or Hierarchy Group conditions inside the SearchFilter.

This accepts an OR of AND (List of List) input where:

  • The top level list specifies conditions that need to be applied with OR operator

  • The inner list specifies conditions that need to be applied with AND operator.


Only one field can be populated. Maximum number of allowed Tag conditions is 25. Maximum number of allowed Hierarchy Group conditions is 20.



A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

Type: AttributeAndCondition object

Required: No


A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a hierarchy group condition.

Type: HierarchyGroupCondition object

Required: No


A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

Type: Array of AttributeAndCondition objects

Required: No


A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a tag condition, for example, HAVE BPO = 123.

Type: TagCondition object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: