Amazon Connect audio optimization for Citrix cloud desktops - Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect audio optimization for Citrix cloud desktops

Amazon Connect makes it easier to deliver high-quality voice experiences when your agents are using Citrix Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. Your agents can leverage their Citrix remote desktop applications such as Citrix Workspaces, to offload audio processing to the agent’s local device and to automatically redirect audio to Amazon Connect, resulting in improved audio quality over challenging networks.

To get started, you can use the Amazon Connect open source libraries to create a new or update an existing agent user interface, such as a custom Contact Control Panel (CCP).

System requirements

This section describes the system requirements for using the Citrix Unitied Communications SDK with Amazon Connect.

  • Citrix Workspace Application Version

    The version of Citrix Workspace Application needs to be 21.9.x.x or above.

  • Citrix Server Version

    The version of Citrix VDA (Virtual Delivery Agent) needs to be 2109 or above.

  • Citrix Server Setup

    The Citrix UC SDK is not supported to use by default and the admin of the system needs to add an allow-list registry entry as follows:

    • Key Path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\WebSocketService

    • Key Name: ProcessWhitelist

    • Key Type: REG_MULTI_SZ

    • Key Value:

      • Chrome.exe

      • msedge.exe

    After you configure the registry successfully, restart the CitrixHdxWebSocketService using Task Manager to finish the setup.

    Using task manager in Windows to restart CitrixHdxWebSocketService.
  • Networking/Firewall Configurations

    • Citrix server configuration

      The admin needs to allow the Citrix server to access Amazon Connect TCP/443 traffic to the domains mentioned in the following diagram. For more information, see the Amazon Connect network setup guide.

    • Agent machine configuration

      This solution requires a media connection between the agent's thin client and Amazon Connect. Follow the network setup guide to allow traffic between the agent’s machine and Amazon Connect's Softphone Media UDP Port 3478.

    Citrix server and agent machine firewall settings.
  • Unsupported CCP Deployment

    • Native CCP

Confirm media flows between thin client and Amazon Connect during the call

  • Use Task Manager (Windows) to verify

    Launch the Task Manager on the agent's thin client and check to see if the HDX service is running or not. If it is running, then it means that the media is being redirected as expected.

    Using task manager in Windows.