Assign a security profile for Amazon Connect to a contact center user - Amazon Connect

Assign a security profile for Amazon Connect to a contact center user

Required permissions to assign security profiles

Before you can assign a security profile to a user, you must be logged in with an Amazon Connect account that has the Users - Edit permission, as shown in the following image. Or, if you're creating the user's account for the first time, you need Users - Create permission.

The users and permissions section of the security profiles page.

By default, the Amazon Connect Admin security profile has these permissions.

How to assign security profiles

  1. Review Best practices for Amazon Connect and Contact Control Panel (CCP) security profiles.

  2. Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website at https://instance

  3. Choose Users, User management.

  4. Select one or more users and choose Edit.

  5. For Security Profiles, add or remove security profiles as needed. To add a security profile, put your cursor in the field and select the security profile from the list. To remove a security profile, click the x next to its name.

  6. Choose Save.