Flow block in Amazon Connect: Check queue status - Amazon Connect

Flow block in Amazon Connect: Check queue status

This topic defines the flow block for checking the status of a customer queue based on consitions set for that queue.


  • Checks the status of the queue based on specified conditions.

  • Branches based on the comparison of Time in Queue or Queue capacity.

    • Time in queue is the amount of time the oldest contact spends in queue, before they are routed to an agent or removed from the queue.

    • Queue capacity is number of contacts waiting in a queue.

  • If no match is found, the No Match branch is followed.

Supported channels

The following table lists how this block routes a contact who is using the specified channel.

Channel Supported?









Flow types

You can use this block in the following flow types:

  • Inbound flow

  • Customer queue flow

  • Transfer to Agent flow

  • Transfer to Queue flow


The following image shows the Properties page of the Check queue status block. In this example, it checks whether a contact has been in the BasicQueue longer than 2 minutes.

The properties page of the Check queue status.

Configuration tips

The order in which you add conditions matters at the runtime. Results are evaluated against conditions in the same order in which you add them to the block. Contacts are routed down the first condition to match.

For example, in the following condition order, every value matches one of first two conditions. None of the other conditions are ever matched.

  • Time in Queue <= 90

  • Time in Queue >= 90

  • Time in Queue >= 9

  • Time in Queue >= 12

  • Time in Queue >= 15

  • Time in Queue >= 18

  • Time in Queue > 20

  • Time in Queue > 21

In this next example, all contacts with a wait time in queue of 90 or less (<=90) match first condition only. This means less than or equal to 9 (<=9), <=12, <=15, <=18, <=20, <=21 are never run. Any value greater than 90 is routed down the greater than or equal to 21 (>=21) condition branch.

  • Time in Queue <= 90

  • Time in Queue <= 9

  • Time in Queue <= 12

  • Time in Queue <= 15

  • Time in Queue <= 18

  • Time in Queue < 20

  • Time in Queue < 21

  • Time in Queue > 21

Configured block

The following image shows an example of what this block looks like when it is configured. It has three branches: the Time in Queue condition, No Match, and Error.

A configured check queue status block.


See these topics for scenarios that use this block: