Claim phone numbers to instances across multiple AWS Regions - Amazon Connect

Claim phone numbers to instances across multiple AWS Regions


This feature is available only for Amazon Connect instances created in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London).

You can only create a replica in the US East (N. Virginia) Region if your source is US West (Oregon), or the other way around. Similarly, you can only create a replica in the Europe (Frankfurt) Region if your source is Europe (London), or the other way around.

To obtain access to this feature, contact your Amazon Connect Solutions Architect or Technical Account Manager.

To place or receive calls to a phone number across instances in multiple AWS Regions, you need to claim a phone number to a traffic distribution group.

To claim a phone number to a traffic distribution group
  1. Create a traffic distribution group by using the CreateTrafficDistributionGroup API.

  2. Describe your traffic distribution group by using the DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup API to determine whether it has been created successfully (Status must be ACTIVE).

  3. After your traffic distribution group has been created successfully (Status is ACTIVE), you can claim phone numbers to it by using the ClaimPhoneNumber API.