Example: Programmatically integrate Amazon S3 with Amazon Connect Customer Profiles
Using the Customer Profiles PutIntegration API, you can programmatically create integrations for S3, Salesforce, Marketo, and more.
In this topic we show how to create an S3 integration with a sync interval of 15 minutes, the minimum value currently supported.
Step 1: Create a JSON file
Create a JSON file with the following contents:
{ "DomainName": "
", "ObjectTypeName": "your-object-name
", "FlowDefinition": { "FlowName": "your-flow-name
", "KmsArn": "the key ARN is the same as your domain's key
", "Description": "Created by Customer Profiles", "TriggerConfig": { "TriggerType": "Scheduled", "TriggerProperties": { "Scheduled": { "ScheduleExpression": "rate(15minutes)", "DataPullMode": "Incremental", "ScheduleStartTime":1634244800.435
, "FirstExecutionFrom":1594166400
} } }, "SourceFlowConfig": { "ConnectorType":"S3", "SourceConnectorProperties": { "S3": { "BucketName": "your-bucket
", "BucketPrefix": "your-prefix
" } } }, "Tasks": [ {"TaskType":"Filter
"}}, {"ConnectorOperator":{"S3
"}, {"ConnectorOperator":{"S3
"} ] } }
To customize the JSON with your own values, follow these guidelines:
: Can be STRING [a-zA-Z0-9][\w!@#.-]+ -
: Set to the currentDateTime
+ 5 minutes in epoch time. -
: Go to S3, look at the file date, and use a date that is before the oldest date. -
: DefineTaskType
. In theSourcefields
field you have to supply ALL the columns you have in your CSV in that array. Then, for each of the items in that array, you need to specify theConnectorOperator
. This example is for a CSV document with two columns:colA
Step 2: Call the PutIntegration API
After you have created and customized the JSON file with your values, call the PutIntegration API, as shown in the following example:
aws customer-profiles put-integration --cli-input-json file:///
The response from PutIntegration
returns a flow URI. For
{ "DomainName": "testDomain", "Uri": "arn:aws:appflow:us-west-2:9999999999999:flow/Customer_Profiles_testDomain_S3_Salesforce-Account_1634244122247", "ObjectTypeName": "your objec type", "CreatedAt": "2021-10-14T13:51:57.748000-07:00", "LastUpdatedAt": "2021-10-14T13:51:57.748000-07:00", "Tags": {} }
Step 3: Call the Amazon AppFlow StartFlow API
Use the flow URI to call the Amazon AppFlow StartFlow API. For example:
aws appflow start-flow —flow-name