Edit quick responses - Amazon Connect

Edit quick responses

This topic explains how to use the Amazon Connect admin website to edit a quick response. To edit a quick response programmatically, see UpdateQuickResponse in the Amazon Q in Connect API Reference.

To edit a response
  1. Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website at https://instance name.my.connect.aws/. Use an Admin account, or an account assigned to a security profile that has Content Management - Quick responses - Edit permission.

  2. On the navigation bar, choose Agent applications, then Quick responses.

    Menu showing "Agent applications" and "Quick responses."
  3. On the Quick responses page, choose the name of the quick response that you want to edit. You can also select the checkbox next to the response, then choose Edit.

  4. As needed, change the following fields:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Shortcut key

    • Routing Profiles

    • Activate/Deactivate quick response

    • Content

  5. Choose Save.