Sample customer queue priority - Amazon Connect

Sample customer queue priority


This sample flow is available in previous Amazon Connect instances. In new instances, you can see this functionality in Sample queue configurations.

Type: Flow (inbound)

By default the priority for new contacts is 5. Lower values raise the priority of the contact. For example, a contact assigned a priority of 1 is routed first.

This sample shows how you can use the Change routing priority/age block to raise or lower the priority of a contact in a queue. Using this block, there are two ways you can raise or lower a customer's priority:

  • Assign them a new priority value, such as 1, to raise their priority.

  • Or, increase the routing age of the contact. Customers who are queued longer are routed first, when all contacts have the same queue priority value (such as 5).

Option 1: Raise the priority

  • The Get Customer Input block prompts the customer to press 1 to move to the front of the queue. This block gets the customer's input; it doesn't actually change the customer's priority.

  • If the customer presses 1, they go down the "Pressed 1" branch, which takes them to the Change routing priority/age block. This block changes their priority in the queue to 1, which is the highest priority.

Option 2: Change the routing age

  • The Get Customer Input block prompts the customer to press 2 to move behind existing contacts already in queue. This block gets the customer's input; it doesn't actually change the customer's priority.

  • If the customer presses 2, they go down the "Pressed 2" branch, which takes them to a different Change routing priority/age block. This block increases their routing age by 10 minutes. This has the effect of moving them ahead of others in the queue who have been waiting longer.