Customize the name of a block - Amazon Connect

Customize the name of a block

To help you distinguish blocks in a flow, you can customize the names of blocks. For example, when there are multiple Play prompt blocks, and you want to distinguish between them at a glance you can assign each block their own name.

Custom flow block names appear in CloudWatch logs under the Identifier field. This makes it easier for you to review the logs to diagnose issues.

  • The following characters are not allowed in the block name or Identifier field: (% : ( \ / ) = $ , ; [ ] { })

  • The following strings are not allowed in the block name or Identifier field: __proto__, constructor, __defineGetter__, __defineSetter__, toString, hasOwnProperty, isPrototypeOf, propertyIsEnumerable, toLocaleString, and valueOf.

There are two ways you can specify a custom block name:

  • On the block, choose ..., and then choose Add block name, as shown in the following GIF.

    A block with a custom name.
  • You can also customize the name of the block on the Property page, as shown in the following GIF.

    A block with a custom name.