Use the Amazon SNS payload after enabling message streaming in Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Use the Amazon SNS payload after enabling message streaming in Amazon Connect

After you’ve enabled message streaming successfully, you may need to filter the message to send it to the intended participant: agent, customer, or all.

To filter by participant, read the specific SNS headers attribute— MessageVisibility—to determine whether the message is intended for customer-only, agent-only, or all.

  • To send to the customer only: For all code that faces the customer, clients need to filter out messages intended for the customer and build the following logic for forwarding the message to them.

    if ( ( MessageVisibility == CUSTOMER || MessageVisibility == ALL) && ParticipantRole != CUSTOMER )
  • To send to the agent only:

    if ( ( MessageVisibility == AGENT || MessageVisibility == ALL) && ParticipantRole != AGENT )

You can also leverage the filtering capability in Amazon SNS by building custom subscription filtering policies. This offloads the message filtering logic from the SNS topic subscriber to the SNS service itself.

Message attributes in the payload

Following is a description of each message attribute in the Amazon SNS payload:

  • InitialContactId: The initial contact ID of the chat.

  • ContactId: The current contact ID of the chat. The InitialContactId and ContactId can differ if there has been new agent in the chat or the queue-to-queue contact flow.

  • ParticipantRole: The participant who sent the message.

  • InstanceId: The Amazon Connect instance ID.

  • AccountId: The AWS account ID.

  • Type: Possible values: EVENT, MESSAGE.

  • ContentType: Possible values: application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.typing, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.joined, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.left, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.transfer.succeeded, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.transfer.failed, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive, application/, and more.

  • MessageVisibility: Possible values: AGENT, CUSTOMER, ALL.

Example SNS payload

{ "Type" : "Notification", "MessageId" : "ccccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-ccccccccccccc", "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:009969138378:connector-svc-test", "Message" : "{\"AbsoluteTime\":\"2021-09-08T13:28:24.656Z\",\"Content\":\"help\",\"ContentType\":\"text/plain\",\"Id\":\"333333333-be0d-4a44-889d-d2a86fc06f0c\",\"Type\":\"MESSAGE\",\"ParticipantId\":\"bbbbbbbb-c562-4d95-b76c-dcbca8b4b5f7\",\"DisplayName\":\"Jane\",\"ParticipantRole\":\"CUSTOMER\",\"InitialContactId\":\"33333333-abc5-46db-9ad5-d772559ab556\",\"ContactId\":\"33333333-abc5-46db-9ad5-d772559ab556\"}", "Timestamp" : "2021-09-08T13:28:24.860Z", "SignatureVersion" : "1", "Signature" : "examplegggggg/1tEBYdiVDgJgBoJUniUFcArLFGfg5JCvpOr/v6LPCHiD7A0BWy8+ZOnGTmOjBMn80U9jSzYhKbHDbQHaNYTo9sRyQA31JtHHiIseQeMfTDpcaAXqfs8hdIXq4XZaJYqDFqosfbvh56VPh5QgmeHTltTc7eOZBUwnt/177eOTLTt2yB0ItMV3NAYuE1Tdxya1lLYZQUIMxETTVcRAZkDIu8TbRZC9a00q2RQVjXhDaU3k+tL+kk85syW/2ryjjkDYoUb+dyRGkqMy4aKA22UpfidOtdAZ/GGtXaXSKBqazZTEUuSEzt0duLtFntQiYJanU05gtDig==", "SigningCertURL" : "", "UnsubscribeURL" : "", "MessageAttributes" : { "InitialContactId" : {"Type":"String","Value":"33333333-abc5-46db-9ad5-d772559ab556"}, "MessageVisibility" : {"Type":"String","Value":"ALL"}, "Type" : {"Type":"String","Value":"MESSAGE"}, "AccountId" : {"Type":"String","Value":"999999999999"}, "ContentType" : {"Type":"String","Value":"text/plain"}, "InstanceId" : {"Type":"String","Value":"dddddddd-b64e-40c5-921b-109fd92499ae"}, "ContactId" : {"Type":"String","Value":"33333333-abc5-46db-9ad5-d772559ab556"}, "ParticipantRole" : {"Type":"String","Value":"CUSTOMER"} } }