Part 3: Build and test the Amazon Lex bot - Amazon Connect

Part 3: Build and test the Amazon Lex bot

Build and test your bot to make sure that it works as intended before you publish it.

  1. In the Amazon Lex console, choose Build. The build may take a minute or two.

                                The Amazon Lex console, the Build button.
  2. When it's finished building, choose Test.

  3. Test the PasswordReset intent. In the Test Draft version pane, type I forgot my password, and press Enter.

                                The test draft version page, the box to enter an intent such
                                    as I forgot my password.
  4. The verification looks like what's shown in the following image.

                                The verification message from Amazon Lex, Intent PasswordReset
                                    is fullfilled.
  5. To confirm that the NetworkIssue intent is working, type my email is down. The verification looks like what's shown in the following image.

                                The verification message from Amazon Lex, Intent NetworkIssue is

Go to Step 2: Add permissions to Amazon Lex bot.