Display contact information to the agent in the CCP - Amazon Connect

Display contact information to the agent in the CCP

You can use contact attributes to capture information about the contact and then present it to the agent through the Contact Control Panel (CCP). For example, you might want to do this to customize the agent experience when using the CCP integrated with a customer relationship management (CRM) application.

Also use them when integrating Amazon Connect with a custom application using the Amazon Connect Streams API or Amazon Connect API. You can use all user-defined attributes, in addition to the customer number and the dialed number, in the CCP using the Amazon Connect Streams JavaScript library. For more information, see Amazon Connect Streams API or Amazon Connect API.

When you use the Amazon Connect Streams API, you can access user-defined attributes by invoking contact.getAttributes(). You can access endpoints using contact.getConnections(), where a connection has a getEndpoint() invocation on it.

To access the attribute directly from a Lambda function, use $.External.AttributeName. If the attribute is stored to a user-defined attribute from a Set contact attributes block, use $.Attributes.AttributeName.

For example, included with your Amazon Connect instance, there is a flow named "Sample note for screenpop." In this flow, a Set contact attributes block is used to create an attribute from a text string. The text, as an attribute, can be passed to the CCP to display a note to an agent.