By default, Cost Explorer provides up to 14 months of data at daily and monthly granularity. However, you can opt in to hourly granularity for the past 14 days.
You can use hourly granularity to monitor cost and usage patterns at the most granular hourly level. Such data is especially useful to understand the peak hours for your AWS usage and how high the cost can go during those peak hours. If you’re thinking about purchasing Savings Plans or Reserved Instances, hourly granularity can help you understand your average spend per hour so that you make optimal purchases. If you’re thinking about fine tuning your architecture or planning to start a new project, enabling hourly granularity can help your developers monitor the performance of your architecture at hourly level and identify optimization opportunities.
Once enabled, data at hourly granularity is available within 48 hours in Cost Explorer, and in Savings Plans utilization and coverage reports.