Use this procedure to create a budget that's specifically for Savings Plans utilization or coverage.
It can take up to 48 hours for Savings Plans utilization and coverage metrics to generate, which is longer than the time frame for cost and usage data.
To create a Savings Plans budget
Open the Billing and Cost Management console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Budgets.
At the top of the page, choose Create budget.
Under Budget setup, choose Customize (advanced).
Under Budget types, choose Savings Plans budget. Then, choose Next.
Under Details, for Budget name, enter the name of your budget. Your budget name must be unique within your account. It can contain A-Z, a-z, spaces, and the following characters:
Under Utilization threshold, for Period, choose how often you want the budget to reset the tracked utilization or coverage. Select Daily for every day, Monthly for every month, Quarterly for every three months, or Annually for every year.
All budget times are in the UTC format.
For Monitor my spend against, choose Utilization of Savings Plans to track how much of your Savings Plans you used. Or, choose Coverage of Savings Plans to track how much of your instance usage is covered by Savings Plans.
For Utilization threshold, enter the utilization percentage that you want AWS to notify you at. For example, for a utilization budget where you want to stay above 90% Savings Plans utilization, enter
. The budget notifies you when your overall Savings Plans utilization is below 90%.For Coverage threshold, enter the coverage percentage that you want AWS to notify you at. For example, for a coverage budget where you want to stay above 80%, enter
. The budget notifies you when your overall coverage is below 80%. -
(Optional) Under Budget scope, for Filters, choose Add filter to apply one or more of the available filters. Your choice of budget type determines the set of filters that's displayed on the console.
You can't use the Linked account filter within a linked account.
Choose Next.
Under Notification preferences, for Email recipients, enter the email addresses that you want the alert to notify. Separate multiple email addresses with commas. A notification can be sent to a maximum of 10 email addresses.
(Optional) For Amazon SNS Alerts, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for your Amazon SNS topic. For instructions on how to create a topic, see Creating an Amazon SNS topic for budget notifications.
After you create a budget with Amazon SNS notifications, Amazon SNS sends a confirmation email to the email addresses that you specified. The subject line is AWS Notification - Subscription Confirmation. The recipient must choose Confirm subscription in the confirmation email to receive future notifications.
(Optional) For Amazon Q Developer in chat applications Alerts, you can choose to configure Amazon Q Developer in chat applications to send budget alerts to an Amazon Chime or Slack chat room. You configure these alerts through the Amazon Q Developer in chat applications console.
Choose Next.
To proceed, you must configure at least one email recipient or an Amazon SNS topic for notifications.
Review your budget settings, and then choose Create budget.