AddDataSets - AWS Data Exchange User Guide



Data sets added via the Catalog API change set of type AddDataSets default to the publishing method of the product.

To add data sets to your AWS Data Exchange product, start a change set of type AddDataSets. To do so, you can use the StartChangeSet API operation and specify the change type, the product identifier, the product type, and the details including the data set Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Tutorial: Adding new data sets to a published data product

This tutorial walks you through detailed steps to add new AWS Data Exchange data sets to a published product. The tutorial has the following high-level steps.

Set up IAM permissions

Before you begin, you need AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for using the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. These permissions are in addition to the permissions you need for using AWS Data Exchange.

  1. Navigate your browser to the IAM console and sign in using an AWS account that can manage IAM permissions.

  2. From the left navigation pane, choose Policies.

  3. Choose Create policy.

  4. Choose the JSON tab, and provide the following permissions. This provides full access to the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. You can restrict access as appropriate for your use case.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "aws-marketplace:CancelChangeSet", "aws-marketplace:ListChangeSets", "aws-marketplace:DescribeEntity", "aws-marketplace:StartChangeSet", "aws-marketplace:ListEntities", "aws-marketplace:DescribeChangeSet", "dataexchange:PublishDataSet" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
  5. Choose Next: Review.

  6. Provide a name for the policy (for example, CatalogAPIFullAccess), and then choose Create Policy.

  7. Using the IAM console, choose the users, groups, or roles that you want to attach the policy to.

Access the AWS Marketplace Catalog API

To access the AWS Marketplace Catalog API, use the following HTTP client endpoint.

Get your product ID from the AWS Data Exchange console

Before you can use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API to publish new data sets, get your product ID from the AWS Data Exchange console. Navigate to the Product Dashboard, and then copy the product ID you would like to publish data sets for. You may also use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API to find your product ID, using the ListEntities action with the DataProduct@1.0 entity type.

Start a change request

To start a change request to add a data set in your test product
  1. Copy the entity ID that you get by following the instructions in Get your product ID from the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. Make a StartChangeSet request with an AddDataSets change type.


For information about working with change sets in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API, see Working with change sets. For more information about working with the identifier for entities, see Identifier.

Example request

Example request body

{ "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSetName": "Adding Data Set to my test Data Product", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDataSets", "Entity": { "Identifier": "entity-id@1", "Type": "DataProduct@1.0" }, "Details": "{ \"DataSets\": [ { \"Arn\": \"data-set-arn\" } ] }" } ] }

Example response

{ "ChangeSetId": "cs-bnEXAMPLE4mkz9oh", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:account-id:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/cs-bnEXAMPLE4mkz9oh" }

Check the status of your change set

After you use the StartChangeSet API operation to start the change request, you can use the DescribeChangeSet operation to check its status. Provide the change set ID returned in the StartChangeSet API response.

Example request

Example request body

{ "changeSetId":"cs-bnEXAMPLE4mkz9oh" }

Example response

{ "ChangeSetId": "cs-bnEXAMPLE4mkz9oh", "ChangeSetArn": "arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:account-id:AWSMarketplace/ChangeSet/cs-bnEXAMPLE4mkz9oh", "ChangeSetName": "Adding Data Set to my test Data Product", "StartTime": "2018-09-20T19:45:03.115+0000", "EndTime": "2018-09-20T19:48:12.517+0000", "Status": "SUCCEEDED", "FailureDescription": null, "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDataSets", "Entity": { "Type": "DataProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "entity-id@1" }, "ErrorList": [] } ] }

AddDataSets exceptions

The following exceptions can occur when you use the AWS Marketplace Catalog API with AWS Data Exchange:


This happens when the requested data set was not found. To resolve this issue, ensure that there's not a typo in the data set ARN and that your AWS account owns the data set, and try again.


The request couldn't be processed due to input that isn't valid. To resolve this issue, ensure that there's not a typo in the request and that the product does not exceed the maximum number of allowed data sets.


This happens when the data set has already been previously added to the product.


This happens when the same data set is provided more than once in the request.