AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat

AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat (Test product) is a free product that subscribers can use to understand how to interact with an AWS Data Exchange product subscription. You can use it for testing purposes and to get familiar with the AWS Data Exchange API and concepts.

AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat contains a single data set named Heartbeat. Approximately every 15 minutes, a new revision is published to this data set.

Example content of a revision

Each new revision contains two assets:

  • Epoch asset

  • Manifest asset

Epoch asset

Each AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat revision contains a JSON file Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) object that contains a single array. The array's name is TimestampsSinceLastRevision, and its value is a list of each UNIX Epoch second that has elapsed since the last revision.

The name of the asset is in the form Epoch{start}-{end}.json where {start} and {end} represent the Epoch seconds corresponding to the period of time covered by the revision.

Manifest asset

Each AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat revision contains a JSON file S3 object that contains metadata about the revision and the schema of the Epoch asset JSON file. The name of the asset is in the form Manifest{start}-{end}.json where {start} and {end} represent the Epoch seconds corresponding to the period of time covered by the revision. The following example shows the content of a manifest file.

{ "manifestSchemaVersion":"1.0", "schema":"{ \"type\":\"object\", \"properties\":{ \"TimestampsSinceLastRevision\":{ \"type\":\"array\", \"description\":\"List of epoch timestamps in seconds.\", \"items\":{ \"type\":\"number\", \"description\":\"Epoch timestamp in seconds.\" } } } }", "startTimestamp":1554898111, "endTimestamp":1554905311, "numberOfTimestamps":7201 }

The following topic describes how to subscribe to AWS Data Exchange Heartbeat on AWS Data Exchange.