Updating products - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Updating products

The following sections describe how to update your AWS Data Exchange products. The instructions assume that you're a provider who is familiar with Data in AWS Data Exchange. After you publish a product, you can edit the product's details and its public offer. You can also update the underlying data sets by publishing new revisions to subscribers. For more information, see Revisions.

Updating product and offer details

After you publish a product, you can use the AWS Data Exchange console to edit the product details. You can also edit the product's public or custom offers and change the offer terms. When you update your product's offer terms, subscribers with an active subscription keep their existing offer terms as long as their subscription is active. Subscribers who have chosen auto-renewals use the new offer terms.

Keep the following in mind when you update products:

  • You can't remove or edit a subscription duration in your offers. This ensures that existing subscribers retain the ability to renew. If you no longer want to offer a specific subscription duration, you can unpublish your existing product and then publish a new product. For more information, see Unpublish a product.

  • You can't remove data sets from a product after it is published, regardless of how many subscribers have subscribed to your product.

  • If you're updating the metered costs for a product that contains APIs:

    • A metered costs price decrease appears immediately on the product detail page for new subscribers.


      If you undo a price decrease for metered costs, you are increasing the price for metered costs. See the following point for more information about metered costs price increases.

    • A metered costs price increase will go into effect on the first day of the month, 90 days after the price increase is submitted for existing subscribers OR upon renewal (whichever is sooner). The email is sent to existing subscribers when the price change is submitted. The price increase appears on the product detail page immediately for new subscribers.


      You submit a metered costs price increase on May 10. Existing subscribers receive an email about the price change. The price increase goes into effect on September 1.


      You can't undo a price increase (because that action decreases the price) before the price increase goes into effect for existing subscribers.

To update a product, data set, or offer details
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Products.

  3. From Products, choose the product you want to update. Make sure its status is Published.

  4. From Product details:

    • If you're editing a public offer, choose the Public offer tab, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the product.

    • If you're editing a private offer, choose the Custom offers tab, choose the option button next to the private offer that you want to edit, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the product.

    1. For products containing APIs with metered costs, in Metered costs – optional, select the option button next to the Type of metered costs that you want to edit, and then choose Edit.

    2. In the Edit metered cost dialog box, update the Price / unit or Description.

    3. Choose Update.

      The updated metered costs appears under Metered costs – optional.

  5. From Data sets, under Sensitive information, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the information.

  6. From Data evaluation, update the data dictionary or sample by selecting the option button next to the data dictionary or sample Name and then choosing Actions. For more information, see Updating a data dictionary and Updating a sample.

  7. Configure your offer, depending on the offer type:

    • If your product is a public offer, from Public offer, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the public offer.

    • If your product is a custom offer, from Custom offers, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the custom offer.

    • If your product is a private offer, from Private offers, choose Edit, and then follow the instructions to edit the private offer.

  8. Choose Update.

Updating a data dictionary

You can update a data dictionary by first removing the existing data dictionary and then uploading a new one.

To update a data dictionary
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Products.

  3. From Products, choose the product you want to update and confirm its status is Published.

  4. Choose the Data evaluation tab.

  5. Under Data dictionary and samples, expand the data set by choosing the plus icon, and then choose the data dictionary by selecting the option button next to the data dictionary Name.

    1. Choose Actions, and then Remove data dictionary.

      The data dictionary is removed.

    2. Select the option button next to the data set, choose Actions, and then Upload data dictionary.

    3. Choose Add file.

    4. Select a new data dictionary and then click Open.

    5. Choose Upload.

  6. (Optional) Choose the data dictionary by selecting the option button next to the data dictionary Name, choose Actions, and then choose Download data dictionary (CSV) to download the data dictionary to your computer.

Updating a sample

To update a sample
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Products.

  3. From Products, choose the product you want to update and confirm its status is Published.

  4. Choose the Data evaluation tab.

  5. Under Data dictionary and samples, select the option button next to a data set.

  6. Choose Actions, and then choose Add samples.

    1. Choose Upload samples.

    2. Select a new sample from your computer, and then choose Open.

    3. Enter an optional Description, and then choose Add.

  7. (Optional) Select the option button next to the sample Name, choose Actions, and then choose one of the following actions:

    • Download selected sample

    • Preview sample (CSV only)

    • Remove selected sample

Updating custom metadata

After you publish a product, you can use the AWS Data Exchange console to edit the product's custom metadata.

To update custom metadata
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Products.

  3. From Products, choose the product you want to update. Make sure its status is Published.

  4. (Optional) From Subscriptions, choose View custom metadata, and view the metadata, and then choose Close.

  5. From Subscriptions, choose Edit custom metadata, and then follow the instructions to edit the metadata or add new metadata.

  6. Choose Save.

Publishing a new data set revision

AWS Data Exchange supports dynamically updated products. Subscribers subscribe to the product for a certain duration and access all of the published data sets as long as their subscription is active. For example, a provider might want to provide a product that contains daily closing stock prices for US equities, which would be updated every day with the day’s closing prices. You can create and finalize new revisions that will be available in your product’s data sets, or add new data sets to your product.

Your product includes some or all historical and future revisions as part of a subscription. For more information, see Revision access rules.

In the following procedure, you create and finalize a new revision for a data set that has already been published using the AWS Data Exchange console. The data set revision is then automatically published to all products the data set belongs to. For more information, see Revisions.


A provider can revoke subscriber access to a revision and then delete the assets of the revision using the console or the AWS Data Exchange API. For more information, see Revoking revisions.

To publish a new data set revision to a product
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. On the left side navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Owned data sets.

  3. In Owned data sets, choose the data set you want to update.

  4. Navigate to the Products tab to make sure that the data set is associated with a published product.

  5. From the Revisions tab, choose Create revision to open the Create revision page.

    1. (Optional) Under Revision settings, provide an optional comment for your revision that describes the purpose of the revision.

    2. (Optional) Under Add tags – optional, add tags associated with the resource.

    3. Choose Create revision.

      Your new revision is created.

  6. Under the Jobs section, choose either Import from Amazon S3 or Upload (to upload from your computer), depending on if the assets you want to include are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket you own or on your local computer.

    1. Follow the prompts, depending on your selection. A job is started to import your asset into your data set.

    2. After the job is finished, the State field in the Jobs section is updated to Completed.

  7. Under Revision overview, review your revision and its assets, and then choose Finalize.

The revision has been published to the product and is now available to subscribers.

Suggested approach for historical data published with the Files delivery type

Some dynamic products contain historical content that subscribers can access. For example, if your product includes a 30-year history of daily closing stock price for US equities, subscribers would get access to that data in addition to the dynamic updates every day.

For these kinds of products that contain a historical record of data, a best practice is to publish all historical data in a single revision of the data set. You can use the optional comment for the revision to indicate that this revision is a single upload of all data history from a specific date.

If the single historical revision contains a time series of multiple objects, you might consider labeling your object names to describe the underlying data periodicity. For example, if your single revision of history contains 200 files each with a week of historical data, you can name each file with a date for the week the data history begins.

Suggested approaches for updates

You can dynamically update your data sets in a number of ways. Here are three example approaches, all of which create a new revision for each update, but the content of the new revision is different.

  • Use a new revision for each update that contains only the items that have changed since the last revision – Your revision size would be smaller because only those items that have changed are updated. This approach is suitable for data sets for which the updates affect only a small subset of the data and subscribers are focused only on the items that have changed.

  • Use a new revision for each update that contains the updated data – The new revision contains a full updated file. All items are included in the new revision, including those that have not changed since the last revision. This approach is convenient for subscribers who want to maintain a single up-to-date file for your data. Subscribers export the latest revision's asset or assets to the same destination and override the previous file or files.

  • Use a new revision for each update that contains the full history and updated data – The new revision contains the full history of the data, including the latest state of the data and the history of the previous revisions. This approach is more storage-heavy. It's suitable for data sets for which subscribers are interested in the latest comprehensive view of the data's history, including any potential past corrections or adjustments. In this approach, each revision is self-sufficient and provides a full view of the data set history with no dependency on previous revisions.

Unpublish a product

After your product is published, it's available for all to find and subscribe to, based on the product's visibility settings. You can unpublish a product if you want to achieve any of the following results:

  • Remove a product you created for the Publishing a new product exercise.

  • Clean up your resources.

  • Remove a product from the publicly listed products on AWS Data Exchange.

  • Stop subscribers from auto-renewing your product.

Keep the following in mind when you unpublish a product:

  • You can unpublish a product whenever you want.

  • If you unpublish a product, it is no longer visible in the AWS Data Exchange catalog or on AWS Marketplace.

  • Subscribers with an active subscription maintain access to the data product until the term of their subscription expires.

  • Active subscriptions that expire after you have unpublished your product are not renewed, even if the subscriber has enabled auto-renewal.

  • Existing subscribers can still view the product details until their subscription expires.

To unpublish a product
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Products.

  3. From Products, choose the product you want to remove. Make sure its status is Published.

  4. From Product overview, choose Unpublish, and then follow the instructions to unpublish the product.


    This action can't be undone.

After you complete these steps, your product's status is Unpublished. An unpublished product can't be published again, but you can create a new product (with a new product ID) that has the same data sets, product details, and offer details.

Removing a revision

A provider can revoke subscriber access to a revision and then delete the assets of the revision using the console or the AWS Data Exchange API. For more information, see Revoking revisions.

You can edit or delete a revision after it's finalized, but before you add it to a product. For more information, see the following topics:

Revoking revisions

As a provider, you can revoke subscriber access to a specific revision at any time. This action is typically done by providers for compliance reasons. Revoking a revision doesn't delete the underlying assets. After you have revoked the revision, all subscribers receive an Amazon EventBridge (formerly known as CloudWatch Events) notification that the revision has been revoked. Subscribers can then view the reason for the revoked revision on the AWS Data Exchange console. Subscribers can’t export or query the data within a revoked revision.

To be able to revoke revisions, providers who manage their own IAM policies must add dataexchange:RevokeRevision as a new action. Providers who use the AWS Data Exchange managed policies don't need to make any changes.

After a revision is revoked, you can delete the assets of the revision by using the console or the AWS Data Exchange DeleteAsset API operation.

Revoking a revision (AWS CLI)

To revoke a revision (AWS CLI)
  1. Use the revoke-revision command to revoke a revision.

    $ aws dataexchange revoke-revision \ --data-set-id $DATA_SET_ID \ --revision-id $REVISION_ID \ --comment 'Revoking Revision Example' { "Id": "ab7859881EXAMPLEdd3e8a4b88fc6a8d", "Arn": "arn:aws:dataexchange:us-east-1:427362365172:data-sets/$DATA_SET_ID/revisions/$REVISION_ID", "Comment": "Revoking Revision Example", "CreatedAt": "2022-03-08T18:54:20.746Z", "UpdatedAt": "2022-03-09T20:28:53.105Z", "DataSetId": "24d30f8446a878237c35d011e7b22d0b", "Finalized": true, "Revoked": true, "RevokedAt": "2022-03-09T20:28:53.105Z", "RevocationComment": "revoking revision example" }
  2. After a revision is revoked, you can delete the assets of the revision using the AWS Data Exchange DeleteAsset API operation.

Revoking a single revision as a provider (console)

To revoke revision as a provider (console)
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left side navigation pane, for Publish data, choose Owned data sets.

  3. In Owned data sets, choose the data set that has the revision you want to revoke.

  4. On the Revisions tab, under Revisions, choose the revision.

  5. On the revision page, under Revision overview, for Actions, choose Revoke.

  6. In the Revoke revision dialog box, enter a short description of your reason for revoking the revision. Subscribers will see this description.

  7. Choose Revoke.

    The Status of the revision is set to Revoked.


    This revokes the revision and all of its assets. Subscribers can view the reason for revocation but can’t access or export the assets. This action can't be undone.

  8. After a revision is revoked, you can delete the assets of the revision by navigating to the revision page, selecting the assets you want to delete in the Imported assets table, and then choosing Delete.

To edit the reason for a revoked revision, see Editing a revocation reason as a provider (console).

Revoking multiple revisions as a provider (console)

To revoke multiple revisions as a provider (console)
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left side navigation pane, for Publish data, choose Owned data sets.

  3. In Owned data sets, choose the data set that has the revisions you want to revoke.

  4. On the Revisions tab, choose up to 10 revisions.

  5. Choose Revoke.

  6. In the Revoke {x} revisions dialog box, enter a short description of your reason for revoking the revisions. Subscribers will see this description. Then, choose Revoke.

    The Status of the revisions are set to Revoked.


    This revokes the revisions and all of the assets. Subscribers can view the reason for revocation but can’t access or export the assets. This action can't be undone.

  7. After a revision is revoked, you can delete the assets of the revision by navigating to the revision page, selecting the assets you want to delete in the Imported assets table, and then choosing Delete.

To edit the reason for a revoked revision, see Editing a revocation reason as a provider (console).

Editing a revocation reason as a provider (console)

As a provider, you can edit the reason for the revocation after the revision has been revoked.

To edit a revocation revision as a provider (console)
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. In the left side navigation pane, for Publish data products, choose Owned data sets.

  3. In Owned data sets, choose the data set that has the revision you revoked.

  4. On the Revisions tab, choose the revoked revision.

  5. On the revision page, choose Edit revocation reason.

  6. In the Edit revocation revision dialog box, enter a short description of your reason for revoking the revision.

  7. Choose Save.

    The Status of the revision is set to Revoked.

    The updated revocation reason is displayed on the revision page.

Viewing revoked revisions as a subscriber (console)

To view a revoked revision as a subscriber (console)
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. From the left navigation pane, under My subscriptions, choose Entitled data.

  3. Under Products, choose a product, and then expand the data set under the product to see a list of revisions.

  4. On the data set page, under the Revisions tab, view the Status of the revision (Published or Revoked).

  5. Choose a revision.

  6. View the revision reason on the top of the revision detail page.