Creates a new flag column based on the values for the current source column. For example, given a source column containing zip codes, this transform can be used to flag values as true or false based on a particular timezone. The details that you can extract depend on the pattern that is detected, as described in Notes below.

  • sourceColumn – The name of a string source column.

  • pattern – The pattern to extract.

  • targetColumn – The name of the target column.

  • advancedDataType – Can be one of Phone, Zip Code, Date Time, State, Credit Card, URL, Email, SSN, or Gender.

  • filter values – List of string values that the user wants to filter the column based on.

  • trueString – The true value for the target column.

  • falseString – The false value for the target column.

  • If advancedDataType is Phone, then the pattern can be AREA_CODE, TIME_ZONE, or COUNTRY_CODE.

  • If advancedDataType is Zip Code, then the pattern can be TIME_ZONE, COUNTRY, STATE, CITY, TYPE, or REGION.

  • If advancedDataType is Date Time, then the pattern can be DAY, MONTH, MONTH_NAME, WEEK, QUARTER, or YEAR.

  • If advancedDataType is State, then the pattern can be TIME_ZONE.

  • If advancedDataType is Credit Card, then the pattern can be LENGTH or NETWORK.

  • If advancedDataType is URL, then the pattern can be PROTOCOL, TLD, or DOMAIN.


{ "RecipeAction": { "Operation": "ADVANCED_DATATYPE_FLAG", "Parameters": { "pattern": "AREA_CODE", "sourceColumn": "phoneColumn", "advancedDataType": "Phone", "filterValues": ['Ohio'], "targetColumn": "targetColumnName", "trueString": "trueValue", "falseString": "falseValue" } } }