SESSION - AWS Glue DataBrew


Returns in a new column a session identifier based on a window created by column names from "group by" and "order by" statements.

  • sourceColumn – The name of an existing column.

  • units – A unit of measure for describe the session length. Valid values are MONTHS, YEARS, MILLISECONDS, QUARTERS, HOURS, MICROSECONDS, WEEKS, SECONDS, DAYS, and MINUTES.

  • value – The number of units to define the time period.

  • groupByColumns – A JSON-encoded string describing the "group by" columns.

  • orderByColumns – A JSON-encoded string describing the "order by" columns.

  • targetColumn – A name for the newly created column.


{ "Action": { "Operation": "SESSION", "Parameters": { "sourceColumn": "object number", "units": "MINUTES", "value": "10", "groupByColumns": "[\"is public domain\"]", "orderByColumns": "[\"dimensions\"]", "targetColumn": "object number_SESSION", } } }