Upload and Activate the Pipeline Definition - AWS Data Pipeline

Upload and Activate the Pipeline Definition

You must upload your pipeline definition and activate your pipeline. In the following example commands, replace pipeline_name with a label for your pipeline and pipeline_file with the fully-qualified path for the pipeline definition .json file.


To create your pipeline definition and activate your pipeline, use the following create-pipeline command. Note the ID of your pipeline, because you'll use this value with most CLI commands.

aws datapipeline create-pipeline --name pipeline_name --unique-id token { "pipelineId": "df-00627471SOVYZEXAMPLE" }

To upload your pipeline definition, use the following put-pipeline-definition command.

aws datapipeline put-pipeline-definition --pipeline-id df-00627471SOVYZEXAMPLE --pipeline-definition file://MyEmrPipelineDefinition.json

If you pipeline validates successfully, the validationErrors field is empty. You should review any warnings.

To activate your pipeline, use the following activate-pipeline command.

aws datapipeline activate-pipeline --pipeline-id df-00627471SOVYZEXAMPLE

You can verify that your pipeline appears in the pipeline list using the following list-pipelines command.

aws datapipeline list-pipelines