DynamoDBExportDataFormat - AWS Data Pipeline


Applies a schema to an DynamoDB table to make it accessible by a Hive query. Use DynamoDBExportDataFormat with a HiveCopyActivity object and DynamoDBDataNode or S3DataNode input and output. DynamoDBExportDataFormat has the following benefits:

  • Provides both DynamoDB and Amazon S3 support

  • Allows you to filter data by certain columns in your Hive query

  • Exports all attributes from DynamoDB even if you have a sparse schema


DynamoDB Boolean types are not mapped to Hive Boolean types. However, it is possible to map DynamoDB integer values of 0 or 1 to Hive Boolean types.


The following example shows how to use HiveCopyActivity and DynamoDBExportDataFormat to copy data from one DynamoDBDataNode to another, while filtering based on a time stamp.

{ "objects": [ { "id" : "DataFormat.1", "name" : "DataFormat.1", "type" : "DynamoDBExportDataFormat", "column" : "timeStamp BIGINT" }, { "id" : "DataFormat.2", "name" : "DataFormat.2", "type" : "DynamoDBExportDataFormat" }, { "id" : "DynamoDBDataNode.1", "name" : "DynamoDBDataNode.1", "type" : "DynamoDBDataNode", "tableName" : "item_mapped_table_restore_temp", "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "dataFormat" : { "ref" : "DataFormat.1" } }, { "id" : "DynamoDBDataNode.2", "name" : "DynamoDBDataNode.2", "type" : "DynamoDBDataNode", "tableName" : "restore_table", "region" : "us_west_1", "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "dataFormat" : { "ref" : "DataFormat.2" } }, { "id" : "EmrCluster.1", "name" : "EmrCluster.1", "type" : "EmrCluster", "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "masterInstanceType" : "m1.xlarge", "coreInstanceCount" : "4" }, { "id" : "HiveTransform.1", "name" : "Hive Copy Transform.1", "type" : "HiveCopyActivity", "input" : { "ref" : "DynamoDBDataNode.1" }, "output" : { "ref" : "DynamoDBDataNode.2" }, "schedule" : { "ref" : "ResourcePeriod" }, "runsOn" : { "ref" : "EmrCluster.1" }, "filterSql" : "`timeStamp` > unix_timestamp(\"#{@scheduledStartTime}\", \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\")" }, { "id" : "ResourcePeriod", "name" : "ResourcePeriod", "type" : "Schedule", "period" : "1 Hour", "startDateTime" : "2013-06-04T00:00:00", "endDateTime" : "2013-06-04T01:00:00" } ] }


Optional Fields Description Slot Type
column Column name with datatype specified by each field for the data described by this data node. Ex: hostname STRING String
parent Parent of the current object from which slots will be inherited. Reference Object, e.g. "parent":{"ref":"myBaseObjectId"}

Runtime Fields Description Slot Type
@version Pipeline version the object was created with. String

System Fields Description Slot Type
@error Error describing the ill-formed object String
@pipelineId Id of the pipeline to which this object belongs to String
@sphere The sphere of an object denotes its place in the lifecycle: Component Objects give rise to Instance Objects which execute Attempt Objects String