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A precondition to check that the Amazon S3 objects with the given prefix (represented as a URI) are present.
The following is an example of this object type using required, optional, and expression fields.
{ "id" : "InputReady", "type" : "S3PrefixNotEmpty", "role" : "test-role", "s3Prefix" : "#{node.filePath}" }
Required Fields | Description | Slot Type |
role | Specifies the role to be used to execute the precondition. | String |
s3Prefix | The Amazon S3 prefix to check for existence of objects. | String |
Optional Fields | Description | Slot Type |
attemptStatus | Most recently reported status from the remote activity. | String |
attemptTimeout | Timeout for remote work completion. If set then a remote activity that does not complete within the set time of starting may be retried. | Period |
failureAndRerunMode | Describes consumer node behavior when dependencies fail or are rerun | Enumeration |
lateAfterTimeout | The elapsed time after pipeline start within which the object must complete. It is triggered only when the schedule type is not set to ondemand . |
Period |
maximumRetries | Maximum number attempt retries on failure | Integer |
onFail | An action to run when current object fails. | Reference Object, e.g. "onFail":{"ref":"myActionId"} |
onLateAction | Actions that should be triggered if an object has not yet been scheduled or still not completed. | Reference Object, e.g. "onLateAction":{"ref":"myActionId"} |
onSuccess | An action to run when current object succeeds. | Reference Object, e.g. "onSuccess":{"ref":"myActionId"} |
parent | Parent of the current object from which slots will be inherited. | Reference Object, e.g. "parent":{"ref":"myBaseObjectId"} |
preconditionTimeout | The period from start after which precondition is marked as failed if still not satisfied | Period |
reportProgressTimeout | Timeout for remote work successive calls to reportProgress. If set, then remote activities that do not report progress for the specified period may be considered stalled and so retried. | Period |
retryDelay | The timeout duration between two retry attempts. | Period |
Runtime Fields | Description | Slot Type |
@activeInstances | List of the currently scheduled active instance objects. | Reference Object, e.g. "activeInstances":{"ref":"myRunnableObjectId"} |
@actualEndTime | Time when the execution of this object finished. | DateTime |
@actualStartTime | Time when the execution of this object started. | DateTime |
cancellationReason | The cancellationReason if this object was cancelled. | String |
@cascadeFailedOn | Description of the dependency chain the object failed on. | Reference Object, e.g. "cascadeFailedOn":{"ref":"myRunnableObjectId"} |
currentRetryCount | Number of times the precondition was tried in this attempt. | String |
emrStepLog | EMR step logs available only on EMR activity attempts | String |
errorId | The errorId if this object failed. | String |
errorMessage | The errorMessage if this object failed. | String |
errorStackTrace | The error stack trace if this object failed. | String |
hadoopJobLog | Hadoop job logs available on attempts for EMR-based activities. | String |
hostname | The host name of client that picked up the task attempt. | String |
lastRetryTime | Last time when the precondition was tried within this attempt. | String |
node | The node for which this precondition is being performed. | Reference Object, e.g. "node":{"ref":"myRunnableObjectId"} |
reportProgressTime | Most recent time that remote activity reported progress. | DateTime |
@scheduledEndTime | Schedule end time for object. | DateTime |
@scheduledStartTime | Schedule start time for object. | DateTime |
@status | The status of this object. | String |
@version | Pipeline version the object was created with. | String |
@waitingOn | Description of list of dependencies this object is waiting on. | Reference Object, e.g. "waitingOn":{"ref":"myRunnableObjectId"} |
System Fields | Description | Slot Type |
@error | Error describing the ill-formed object | String |
@pipelineId | Id of the pipeline to which this object belongs to | String |
@sphere | The sphere of an object denotes its place in the lifecycle: Component Objects give rise to Instance Objects which execute Attempt Objects | String |