Create custom asset types - Amazon DataZone

Create custom asset types

In Amazon DataZone, assets represent specific types of data resources such as database tables, dashboards, or machine learning models. To provide consistency and standardization when describing catalog assets, an Amazon DataZone domain must have a set of asset types that define how assets are represented in the catalog. An asset type defines the schema for a specific type of asset. An asset type has a set of required and optional nameable metadata form types (for example, govForm or GovernanceFormType). Asset type in Amazon DataZone are versioned. When assets are created, they are validated against the schema defined by their asset type (typically latest version), and if an invalid structure is specified, asset creation fails.

System asset types - Amazon DataZone provisions service-owned system asset types (including GlueTableAssetType, GlueViewAssetType, RedshiftTableAssetType, RedshiftViewAssetType, and S3ObjectCollectionAssetType) and system form types (including DataSourceReferenceFormType, AssetCommonDetailsFormType, and SubscriptionTermsFormType). System asset types cannot be edited.

Custom asset types - for creating custom asset types, you start by creating the required metadata form types and glossaries to use in the form types. You can then create custom asset types by specifying name, description, and associated metadata forms which can be required or optional.

For asset types with structured data, to represent the column schema in the data portal, you can use the RelationalTableFormType to add the technical metadata to your columns, including column names, descriptions, and data types) and the ColumnBusinessMetadataForm to add the business descriptions of the columns, including business names, glossary terms, and custom key value pairs.

To create a custom asset type via the Data portal, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon DataZone data portal URL and sign in using single sign-on (SSO) or your AWS credentials. If you’re an Amazon DataZone administrator, you can navigate to the Amazon DataZone console at and sign in with the AWS account where the domain was created, then choose Open data portal.

  2. Choose Select project from the top navigation pane and select the project where you want to create a custom asset type.

  3. Navigate to the Data tab for the project.

  4. Choose Asset types from the left navigation pane, then choose Create asset type.

  5. Specify the following and then choose Create.

    • Name - the name of the custom asset type

    • Description - the description of the custom asset type.

    • Choose Add metadata forms to add metadata forms to this custom asset type.

  6. Once the custom asset type is created, you can use it to create assets.

To create a custom asset type via the APIs, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a metadata form type by invoking the CreateFormType API action.

    The following is an Amazon SageMaker example:

    m_model = " structure SageMakerModelFormType { @required @amazon.datazone#searchable modelName: String @required modelArn: String @required creationTime: String } " CreateFormType( domainIdentifier="my-dz-domain", owningProjectIdentifier="d4bywm0cja1dbb", name="SageMakerModelFormType", model=m_model status="ENABLED" )
  2. Next, you can create an asset type by invoking the CreateAssetType API action. You can create asset types only via Amazon DataZone APIs using the available system form types (SubscriptionTermsFormType in the below example) or your custom form types. For system form types, the type name must begin with amazon.datazone.

    CreateAssetType( domainIdentifier="my-dz-domain", owningProjectIdentifier="d4bywm0cja1dbb", name="SageMakerModelAssetType", formsInput={ "ModelMetadata": { "typeIdentifier": "SageMakerModelMetadataFormType", "typeRevision": 7, "required": True, }, "SubscriptionTerms": { "typeIdentifier": "amazon.datazone.SubscriptionTermsFormType", "typeRevision": 1, "required": False, }, }, )

    The following is an example for creating an asset type for structured data:

    CreateAssetType( domainIdentifier="my-dz-domain", owningProjectIdentifier="d4bywm0cja1dbb", name="OnPremMySQLAssetType", formsInput={ "OnpremMySQLForm": { "typeIdentifier": "OnpremMySQLFormType", "typeRevision": 5, "required": True, }, "RelationalTableForm": { "typeIdentifier": "RelationalTableFormType", "typeRevision": 1, "required": True, }, "ColumnBusinessMetadataForm": { "typeIdentifier": "ColumnBusinessMetadataForm", "typeRevision": 1, "required": False, }, "SubscriptionTerms": { "typeIdentifier": "SubscriptionTermsFormType", "typeRevision": 1, "required": False, }, }, )
  3. And now, you can create an asset using the custom asset types you created in the steps above.

    CreateAsset( domainIdentifier="my-dz-domain", owningProjectIdentifier="d4bywm0cja1dbb", owningProjectIdentifier="my-project", name="MyModelAsset", glossaryTerms="xxx", formsInput=[{ "formName": "SageMakerModelForm", "typeIdentifier": "SageMakerModelForm", "typeRevision": "5", "content": "{\n \"ModelName\" : \"sample-ModelName\",\n \"ModelArn\" : \"999999911111\"\n}" } ] )

    And in this example you're creating a structured data asset:

    CreateAsset( domainIdentifier="my-dz-domain", owningProjectIdentifier="d4bywm0cja1dbb", name="MyModelAsset", glossaryTerms="xxx", formsInput=[{ "formName": "RelationalTableForm", "typeIdentifier": "amazon.datazone.RelationalTableForm", "typeRevision": "1", "content": ".." }, { "formName": "mySQLTableForm", "typeIdentifier": "mySQLTableForm", "typeRevision": "6", "content": ".." }, { "formName": "mySQLTableForm", "typeIdentifier": "mySQLTableForm", "typeRevision": "1", "content": ".." }, ..... ] )