Configure Lake Formation permissions for Amazon DataZone - Amazon DataZone

Configure Lake Formation permissions for Amazon DataZone

When you create an environment using the built-in data lake blueprint (DefaultDataLake), an AWS Glue database is added in Amazon DataZone as part of this environment's creation process. If you want to publish assets from this AWS Glue database, no additional permissions are needed.

However, if you want to publish assets and subscribe to assets from an AWS Glue database that exists outside of your Amazon DataZone environment, you must explicitly provide Amazon DataZone with the permissions to access tables in this external AWS Glue database. To do this, you must complete the following settings in AWS Lake Formation and attach necessary Lake Formation permissions to the AmazonDataZoneGlueAccess-<region>-<domainId> .


Amazon DataZone supports the AWS Lake Formation Hybrid mode. Lake Formation hybrid mode enables you to start managing permissions on you AWS Glue databases and tables through Lake Formation, while continuing to maintain any existing IAM permissions on these tables and databases. For more information, see Amazon DataZone integration with AWS Lake Formation hybrid mode

For more information, see Troubleshooting AWS Lake Formation permissions for Amazon DataZone.