Amazon DCV server sessions - Amazon DCV

Amazon DCV server sessions

Counters in this set provide information about a single session. There's one instance of this counter set for each created session, whether a user is connected or not.

If the administrator closes a session, the corresponding instance is removed; if the administrator re-creates a session with the same name, all the counters restart from zero.

Counter name Description Unit

Session Duration sec

Total number of seconds the session has been open


Total Pixels

Number of pixels in the display area, which is the sum of the number of pixels across all the displays in the session


Display Count

Number of displays in the session


The following counters are the same as the ones in Amazon DCV Server counter set, with minor differences in the description:

Counter name Description

Active Connections

Number of active connections to the session instance

Total Connections

Incrementing number of connections to the session instance, including active, reconnected and disconnected clients

Idle Disconnections

Incrementing number of connections to the session instance that were disconnected because of inactivity

Ungraceful Disconnections

Incrementing number of connections to the session instance that were disconnected because of an error

Receive Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is received within the session

Received Bytes

Total number of bytes received since session start

Send Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is sent within the session

Sent Bytes

Total number of bytes sent since session start

HTTP Download Rate bits/sec

Bandwidth in bits per second for outgoing HTTP data within the session

HTTP Downloaded Bytes

Total number of bytes sent over HTTP within the session

Round-Trip Time ms

Average round-trip latency between server and clients within the session, in milliseconds

Minimum Round-Trip Time ms

Minimum round-trip latency detected since the session was established, in milliseconds