agent configuration file - Amazon DCV Session Manager

agent configuration file

The agent configuration file (/etc/dcv-session-manager-agent/agent.conf for Linux and C:\Program Files\NICE\DCVSessionManagerAgent\conf\agent.conf for Windows) includes parameters that can be configured to customize the Session Manager functionality. You can edit the configuration file using your preferred text editor.

The following table lists the parameters in the agent configuration file.

Parameter name Required Default value Description
agent.broker_host Yes Specifies the DNS name of the broker host.
agent.broker_port Yes 8445 Specifies the port over which to communicate with the broker.
agent.ca_file No Only needed if tls_strict is set to true. Specifies the path to the certificate (.pem) file needed to validate the TLS certificate. Copy the self-signed certificate from the broker to the agent.
agent.init_folder No
  • /var/lib/dcv-session-manager-agent/init (Linux)

Specifies the path to a folder on the host server used to store custom scripts allowed to initialize Amazon DCV server sessions when they are created. You must specify an absolute path. The folder must be accessible and the files must be executable by users who make use of the InitFile request parameter of the CreateSessions API.
agent.tls_strict No true Indicates whether strict TLS validation should be used.
agent.software_statement_path No Only needed if the default software statement is not used. Specifies the path to the software statement file. For more information, see generate-software-statement.
agent.tags_folder No
  • /etc/dcv-session-manager-agent (Linux)

  • C:\Program Files\NICE\DCVSessionManagerAgent\conf\tags (Windows)

Specifies the path to the folder in which the tag files are located. For more information, see Using tags to target Amazon DCV servers.
agent.autorun_folder No
  • /var/lib/dcv-session-manager-agent/autorun (Linux)

  • C:\ProgramData\NICE\DcvSessionManagerAgent\autorun (Windows)

Specifies the path to a folder on the host server used to store scripts and apps that are allowed to be automatically run at session startup. You must specify an absolute path. The folder must be accessible and the files must be executable by users who make use of the AutorunFile request parameter of the CreateSessions API.
agent.max_virtual_sessions No -1 (no limit) The maximum number of virtual sessions that can be created on a Amazon DCV server using Amazon DCV Session Manager.
agent.max_concurrent_sessions_per_user No 1 The maximum number of virtual sessions that can be created on a Amazon DCV server by a single user using Amazon DCV Session Manager.
agent.broker_update_interval No 30 Specifies the amount of seconds to wait before sending updated data to the broker. Sent data includes Amazon DCV server and host status, as well as updated session information. Lower values make the Session Manager more aware of changes happening on the system where the agent runs, but increase system load and network traffic. Higher values decrease system and network load, but the Session Manager becomes less responsive to system changes, thus values higher than 120 are not recommended.
log.level No info Specifies the verbosity level of the log files. The following verbosity levels are available:
  • error—Provides the least detail. Includes errors only.

  • warning—Includes errors and warnings.

  • info—The default verbosity level. Includes errors, warnings, and information messages.

  • debug—Provides the most detail. Provides detailed information that is useful for debugging issues. No
  • /var/log/dcv-session-manager-agent/ (Linux)

  • C:\ProgramData\NICE\DCVSessionManagerAgent\log (Windows)

Specifies the directory in which to create log files.
log.rotation No daily Specifies the log file rotation. Valid values are:
  • hourly—Log files are rotated hourly.

  • daily—Log files are rotated daily.

log.max-file-size No 10485760 When a log file size reaches the specified size in bytes, it will be rotated. A new log file will be created and further log events will be placed in the new file.
log.rotate No 9 The maximum number of log files preserved in the rotation. Each time a rotation happens and this number is reached, the oldest log file will be deleted.