Increasing the number of replicas in a shard - Amazon ElastiCache

Increasing the number of replicas in a shard

You can increase the number of replicas in a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) shard or Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication group up to a maximum of five. You can do so using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the ElastiCache API.

Using the AWS Management Console

The following procedure uses the console to increase the number of replicas in a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group.

To increase the number of replicas in shards
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Valkey or Redis OSS, and then choose the name of the replication group that you want to add replicas to.

  3. Choose the box for each shard that you want to add replicas to.

  4. Choose Add replicas.

  5. Complete the Add Replicas to Shards page:

    • For New number of replicas/shard, enter the number of replicas that you want all of your selected shards to have. This value must be greater than or equal to Current Number of Replicas per shard and less than or equal to five. We recommend at least two replicas as a working minimum.

    • For Availability Zones, choose either No preference to have ElastiCache chose an Availability Zone for each new replica, or Specify Availability Zones to choose an Availability Zone for each new replica.

      If you choose Specify Availability Zones, for each new replica specify an Availability Zone using the list.

  6. Choose Add to add the replicas or Cancel to cancel the operation.

Using the AWS CLI

To increase the number of replicas in a Valkey or Redis OSS shard, use the increase-replica-count command with the following parameters:

  • --replication-group-id – Required. Identifies which replication group you want to increase the number of replicas in.

  • --apply-immediately or --no-apply-immediately – Required. Specifies whether to increase the replica count immediately (--apply-immediately) or at the next maintenance window (--no-apply-immediately). Currently, --no-apply-immediately is not supported.

  • --new-replica-count – Optional. Specifies the number of replica nodes you want when finished, up to a maximum of five. Use this parameter for Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication groups where there is only one node group or Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) group, or where you want all node groups to have the same number of replicas. If this value is not larger than the current number of replicas in the node group, the call fails with an exception.

  • --replica-configuration – Optional. Allows you to set the number of replicas and Availability Zones for each node group independently. Use this parameter for Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) groups where you want to configure each node group independently.

    --replica-configuration has three optional members:

    • NodeGroupId – The four-digit ID for the node group that you are configuring. For Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication groups, the shard ID is always 0001. To find a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) node group's (shard's) ID, see Finding a shard's ID.

    • NewReplicaCount – The number of replicas that you want in this node group at the end of this operation. The value must be more than the current number of replicas, up to a maximum of five. If this value is not larger than the current number of replicas in the node group, the call fails with an exception.

    • PreferredAvailabilityZones – A list of PreferredAvailabilityZone strings that specify which Availability Zones the replication group's nodes are to be in. The number of PreferredAvailabilityZone values must equal the value of NewReplicaCount plus 1 to account for the primary node. If this member of --replica-configuration is omitted, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) chooses the Availability Zone for each of the new replicas.


You must include either the --new-replica-count or --replica-configuration parameter, but not both, in your call.

The following example increases the number of replicas in the replication group sample-repl-group to three. When the example is finished, there are three replicas in each node group. This number applies whether this is a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) group with a single node group or a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) group with multiple node groups.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache increase-replica-count \ --replication-group-id sample-repl-group \ --new-replica-count 3 \ --apply-immediately

For Windows:

aws elasticache increase-replica-count ^ --replication-group-id sample-repl-group ^ --new-replica-count 3 ^ --apply-immediately

The following example increases the number of replicas in the replication group sample-repl-group to the value specified for the two specified node groups. Given that there are multiple node groups, this is a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group. When specifying the optional PreferredAvailabilityZones, the number of Availability Zones listed must equal the value of NewReplicaCount plus 1 more. This approach accounts for the primary node for the group identified by NodeGroupId.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache increase-replica-count \ --replication-group-id sample-repl-group \ --replica-configuration \ NodeGroupId=0001,NewReplicaCount=2,PreferredAvailabilityZones=us-east-1a,us-east-1c,us-east-1b \ NodeGroupId=0003,NewReplicaCount=3,PreferredAvailabilityZones=us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c,us-east-1c \ --apply-immediately

For Windows:

aws elasticache increase-replica-count ^ --replication-group-id sample-repl-group ^ --replica-configuration ^ NodeGroupId=0001,NewReplicaCount=2,PreferredAvailabilityZones=us-east-1a,us-east-1c,us-east-1b ^ NodeGroupId=0003,NewReplicaCount=3,PreferredAvailabilityZones=us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c,us-east-1c \ --apply-immediately

For more information about increasing the number of replicas using the CLI, see increase-replica-count in the Amazon ElastiCache Command Line Reference.

Using the ElastiCache API

To increase the number of replicas in a Valkey or Redis OSS shard, use the IncreaseReplicaCount action with the following parameters:

  • ReplicationGroupId – Required. Identifies which replication group you want to increase the number of replicas in.

  • ApplyImmediately – Required. Specifies whether to increase the replica count immediately (ApplyImmediately=True) or at the next maintenance window (ApplyImmediately=False). Currently, ApplyImmediately=False is not supported.

  • NewReplicaCount – Optional. Specifies the number of replica nodes you want when finished, up to a maximum of five. Use this parameter for Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication groups where there is only one node group, or Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) groups where you want all node groups to have the same number of replicas. If this value is not larger than the current number of replicas in the node group, the call fails with an exception.

  • ReplicaConfiguration – Optional. Allows you to set the number of replicas and Availability Zones for each node group independently. Use this parameter for Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) groups where you want to configure each node group independently.

    ReplicaConfiguraion has three optional members:

    • NodeGroupId – The four-digit ID for the node group you are configuring. For Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication groups, the node group (shard) ID is always 0001. To find a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) node group's (shard's) ID, see Finding a shard's ID.

    • NewReplicaCount – The number of replicas that you want in this node group at the end of this operation. The value must be more than the current number of replicas and a maximum of five. If this value is not larger than the current number of replicas in the node group, the call fails with an exception.

    • PreferredAvailabilityZones – A list of PreferredAvailabilityZone strings that specify which Availability Zones the replication group's nodes are to be in. The number of PreferredAvailabilityZone values must equal the value of NewReplicaCount plus 1 to account for the primary node. If this member of ReplicaConfiguration is omitted, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) chooses the Availability Zone for each of the new replicas.


You must include either the NewReplicaCount or ReplicaConfiguration parameter, but not both, in your call.

The following example increases the number of replicas in the replication group sample-repl-group to three. When the example is finished, there are three replicas in each node group. This number applies whether this is a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) group with a single node group, or a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) group with multiple node groups. ?Action=IncreaseReplicaCount &ApplyImmediately=True &NewReplicaCount=3 &ReplicationGroupId=sample-repl-group &Version=2015-02-02 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20150202T192317Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential>

The following example increases the number of replicas in the replication group sample-repl-group to the value specified for the two specified node groups. Given that there are multiple node groups, this is a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group. When specifying the optional PreferredAvailabilityZones, the number of Availability Zones listed must equal the value of NewReplicaCount plus 1 more. This approach accounts for the primary node, for the group identified by NodeGroupId. ?Action=IncreaseReplicaCount &ApplyImmediately=True &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.1.NodeGroupId=0001 &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.1.NewReplicaCount=2 &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.1.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.1=us-east-1a &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.1.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.2=us-east-1c &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.1.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.3=us-east-1b &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.2.NodeGroupId=0003 &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.2.NewReplicaCount=3 &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.2.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.1=us-east-1a &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.2.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.2=us-east-1b &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.2.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.3=us-east-1c &ReplicaConfiguration.ConfigureShard.2.PreferredAvailabilityZones.PreferredAvailabilityZone.4=us-east-1c &ReplicationGroupId=sample-repl-group &Version=2015-02-02 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20150202T192317Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential>

For more information about increasing the number of replicas using the API, see IncreaseReplicaCount in the Amazon ElastiCache API Reference.