Use DeleteObjects
with an AWS SDK or CLI
The following code examples show how to use DeleteObjects
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- AWS SDK for .NET
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. Delete all objects in an S3 bucket.
/// <summary> /// Delete all of the objects stored in an existing Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">An initialized Amazon S3 client object.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which the /// contents will be deleted.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value that represents the success or failure of /// deleting all of the objects in the bucket.</returns> public static async Task<bool> DeleteBucketContentsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Iterate over the contents of the bucket and delete all objects. var request = new ListObjectsV2Request { BucketName = bucketName, }; try { ListObjectsV2Response response; do { response = await client.ListObjectsV2Async(request); response.S3Objects .ForEach(async obj => await client.DeleteObjectAsync(bucketName, obj.Key)); // If the response is truncated, set the request ContinuationToken // from the NextContinuationToken property of the response. request.ContinuationToken = response.NextContinuationToken; } while (response.IsTruncated); return true; } catch (AmazonS3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error deleting objects: {ex.Message}"); return false; } }
Delete multiple objects in a non-versioned S3 bucket.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to delete multiple objects from an Amazon Simple /// Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DeleteMultipleObjects { /// <summary> /// The Main method initializes the Amazon S3 client and the name of /// the bucket and then passes those values to MultiObjectDeleteAsync. /// </summary> public static async Task Main() { const string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // If the Amazon S3 bucket from which you wish to delete objects is not // located in the same AWS Region as the default user, define the // AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket as a parameter to the client // constructor. IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); await MultiObjectDeleteAsync(s3Client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method uses the passed Amazon S3 client to first create and then /// delete three files from the named bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// Amazon S3 methods.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where objects /// will be created and then deleted.</param> public static async Task MultiObjectDeleteAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Create three sample objects which we will then delete. var keysAndVersions = await PutObjectsAsync(client, 3, bucketName); // Now perform the multi-object delete, passing the key names and // version IDs. Since we are working with a non-versioned bucket, // the object keys collection includes null version IDs. DeleteObjectsRequest multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Objects = keysAndVersions, }; // You can add a specific object key to the delete request using the // AddKey method of the multiObjectDeleteRequest. try { DeleteObjectsResponse response = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted all the {0} items", response.DeletedObjects.Count); } catch (DeleteObjectsException e) { PrintDeletionErrorStatus(e); } } /// <summary> /// Prints the list of errors raised by the call to DeleteObjectsAsync. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">A collection of exceptions returned by the call to /// DeleteObjectsAsync.</param> public static void PrintDeletionErrorStatus(DeleteObjectsException ex) { DeleteObjectsResponse errorResponse = ex.Response; Console.WriteLine("x {0}", errorResponse.DeletedObjects.Count); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted {errorResponse.DeletedObjects.Count}."); Console.WriteLine($"No. of objects failed to delete = {errorResponse.DeleteErrors.Count}"); Console.WriteLine("Printing error data..."); foreach (DeleteError deleteError in errorResponse.DeleteErrors) { Console.WriteLine($"Object Key: {deleteError.Key}\t{deleteError.Code}\t{deleteError.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// This method creates simple text file objects that can be used in /// the delete method. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The Amazon S3 client used to call PutObjectAsync.</param> /// <param name="number">The number of objects to create.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket where the objects /// will be created.</param> /// <returns>A list of keys (object keys) and versions that the calling /// method will use to delete the newly created files.</returns> public static async Task<List<KeyVersion>> PutObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, int number, string bucketName) { List<KeyVersion> keys = new List<KeyVersion>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { string key = "ExampleObject-" + new System.Random().Next(); PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = key, ContentBody = "This is the content body!", }; PutObjectResponse response = await client.PutObjectAsync(request); // For non-versioned bucket operations, we only need the // object key. KeyVersion keyVersion = new KeyVersion { Key = key, }; keys.Add(keyVersion); } return keys; } }
Delete multiple objects in a versioned S3 bucket.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon.S3; using Amazon.S3.Model; /// <summary> /// This example shows how to delete objects in a version-enabled Amazon /// Simple StorageService (Amazon S3) bucket. /// </summary> public class DeleteMultipleObjects { public static async Task Main() { string bucketName = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; // If the AWS Region for your Amazon S3 bucket is different from // the AWS Region of the default user, define the AWS Region for // the Amazon S3 bucket and pass it to the client constructor // like this: // RegionEndpoint bucketRegion = RegionEndpoint.USWest2; IAmazonS3 s3Client; s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(); await DeleteMultipleObjectsFromVersionedBucketAsync(s3Client, bucketName); } /// <summary> /// This method removes multiple versions and objects from a /// version-enabled Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> public static async Task DeleteMultipleObjectsFromVersionedBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Delete objects (specifying object version in the request). await DeleteObjectVersionsAsync(client, bucketName); // Delete objects (without specifying object version in the request). var deletedObjects = await DeleteObjectsAsync(client, bucketName); // Additional exercise - remove the delete markers Amazon S3 returned from // the preceding response. This results in the objects reappearing // in the bucket (you can verify the appearance/disappearance of // objects in the console). await RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync(client, bucketName, deletedObjects); } /// <summary> /// Creates and then deletes non-versioned Amazon S3 objects and then deletes /// them again. The method returns a list of the Amazon S3 objects deleted. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// PubObjectsAsync and NonVersionedDeleteAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket where the objects /// will be created and then deleted.</param> /// <returns>A list of DeletedObjects.</returns> public static async Task<List<DeletedObject>> DeleteObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Upload the sample objects. var keysAndVersions2 = await PutObjectsAsync(client, bucketName, 3); // Delete objects using only keys. Amazon S3 creates a delete marker and // returns its version ID in the response. List<DeletedObject> deletedObjects = await NonVersionedDeleteAsync(client, bucketName, keysAndVersions2); return deletedObjects; } /// <summary> /// This method creates several temporary objects and then deletes them. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The S3 client.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">Name of the bucket.</param> /// <returns>Async task.</returns> public static async Task DeleteObjectVersionsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName) { // Upload the sample objects. var keysAndVersions1 = await PutObjectsAsync(client, bucketName, 3); // Delete the specific object versions. await VersionedDeleteAsync(client, bucketName, keysAndVersions1); } /// <summary> /// Displays the list of information about deleted files to the console. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Error information from the delete process.</param> private static void DisplayDeletionErrors(DeleteObjectsException e) { var errorResponse = e.Response; Console.WriteLine($"No. of objects successfully deleted = {errorResponse.DeletedObjects.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"No. of objects failed to delete = {errorResponse.DeleteErrors.Count}"); Console.WriteLine("Printing error data..."); foreach (var deleteError in errorResponse.DeleteErrors) { Console.WriteLine($"Object Key: {deleteError.Key}\t{deleteError.Code}\t{deleteError.Message}"); } } /// <summary> /// Delete multiple objects from a version-enabled bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> /// <param name="keys">A list of key names for the objects to delete.</param> private static async Task VersionedDeleteAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, List<KeyVersion> keys) { var multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Objects = keys, // This includes the object keys and specific version IDs. }; try { Console.WriteLine("Executing VersionedDelete..."); DeleteObjectsResponse response = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted all the {response.DeletedObjects.Count} items"); } catch (DeleteObjectsException ex) { DisplayDeletionErrors(ex); } } /// <summary> /// Deletes multiple objects from a non-versioned Amazon S3 bucket. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> /// <param name="keys">A list of key names for the objects to delete.</param> /// <returns>A list of the deleted objects.</returns> private static async Task<List<DeletedObject>> NonVersionedDeleteAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, List<KeyVersion> keys) { // Create a request that includes only the object key names. DeleteObjectsRequest multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest(); multiObjectDeleteRequest.BucketName = bucketName; foreach (var key in keys) { multiObjectDeleteRequest.AddKey(key.Key); } // Execute DeleteObjectsAsync. // The DeleteObjectsAsync method adds a delete marker for each // object deleted. You can verify that the objects were removed // using the Amazon S3 console. DeleteObjectsResponse response; try { Console.WriteLine("Executing NonVersionedDelete..."); response = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted all the {0} items", response.DeletedObjects.Count); } catch (DeleteObjectsException ex) { DisplayDeletionErrors(ex); throw; // Some deletions failed. Investigate before continuing. } // This response contains the DeletedObjects list which we use to delete the delete markers. return response.DeletedObjects; } /// <summary> /// Deletes the markers left after deleting the temporary objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// DeleteObjectVersionsAsync, DeleteObjectsAsync, and /// RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket from which to delete /// objects.</param> /// <param name="deletedObjects">A list of the objects that were deleted.</param> private static async Task RemoveDeleteMarkersAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, List<DeletedObject> deletedObjects) { var keyVersionList = new List<KeyVersion>(); foreach (var deletedObject in deletedObjects) { KeyVersion keyVersion = new KeyVersion { Key = deletedObject.Key, VersionId = deletedObject.DeleteMarkerVersionId, }; keyVersionList.Add(keyVersion); } // Create another request to delete the delete markers. var multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Objects = keyVersionList, }; // Now, delete the delete marker to bring your objects back to the bucket. try { Console.WriteLine("Removing the delete markers ....."); var deleteObjectResponse = await client.DeleteObjectsAsync(multiObjectDeleteRequest); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted the {deleteObjectResponse.DeletedObjects.Count} delete markers"); } catch (DeleteObjectsException ex) { DisplayDeletionErrors(ex); } } /// <summary> /// Create temporary Amazon S3 objects to show how object deletion wors in an /// Amazon S3 bucket with versioning enabled. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The initialized Amazon S3 client object used to call /// PutObjectAsync to create temporary objects for the example.</param> /// <param name="bucketName">A string representing the name of the S3 /// bucket where we will create the temporary objects.</param> /// <param name="number">The number of temporary objects to create.</param> /// <returns>A list of the KeyVersion objects.</returns> private static async Task<List<KeyVersion>> PutObjectsAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName, int number) { var keys = new List<KeyVersion>(); for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) { string key = "ObjectToDelete-" + new System.Random().Next(); PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = bucketName, Key = key, ContentBody = "This is the content body!", }; var response = await client.PutObjectAsync(request); KeyVersion keyVersion = new KeyVersion { Key = key, VersionId = response.VersionId, }; keys.Add(keyVersion); } return keys; } }
For API details, see DeleteObjects in AWS SDK for .NET API Reference.
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Developing with Amazon S3 using the AWS SDKs. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.