Release: App Runner improves performance for image-based deployments on December 01, 2023 - AWS App Runner

Release: App Runner improves performance for image-based deployments on December 01, 2023

AWS App Runner now includes enhancements to reduce the time taken for image-based service deployment.

Release date: December 01, 2023


AWS App Runner now includes service enhancements that reduce the duration for deploying application using container images. Our benchmarks show about 30-40% reduction in deployment time depending on the container image size.

The enhancements also improve App Runner behavior when it is unable to pull a container image from the container repository. Previously, when App Runner couldn’t pull an image, it retried for ten minutes before entering a failed state. Now if App Runner is unable pull the container image, it will fail the deployment immediately and send a message with the details of the failure.

You are not required to make any changes to your existing App Runner services to reap the benefits of these enhancements.

For more information about image deployments, see App Runner service based on a source image in the AWS App Runner Developer Guide.