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Erstellen einer benannten Abfrage
Das CreateNamedQueryExample
zeigt, wie Sie eine benannte Abfrage erstellen.
package aws.example.athena; import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.athena.AthenaClient; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.athena.model.AthenaException; import software.amazon.awssdk.services.athena.model.CreateNamedQueryRequest; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development * environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/latest/developer-guide/get-started.html */ public class CreateNamedQueryExample { public static void main(String[] args) { final String USAGE = """ Usage: <name> Where: name - the name of the Amazon Athena query.\s """; if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } String name = args[0]; AthenaClient athenaClient = AthenaClient.builder() .region(Region.US_WEST_2) .build(); createNamedQuery(athenaClient, name); athenaClient.close(); } public static void createNamedQuery(AthenaClient athenaClient, String name) { try { // Create the named query request. CreateNamedQueryRequest createNamedQueryRequest = CreateNamedQueryRequest.builder() .database(ExampleConstants.ATHENA_DEFAULT_DATABASE) .queryString(ExampleConstants.ATHENA_SAMPLE_QUERY) .description("Sample Description") .name(name) .build(); athenaClient.createNamedQuery(createNamedQueryRequest); System.out.println("Done"); } catch (AthenaException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } }