Beispiele für Amazon Cognito Identity Provider mit SDK für JavaScript (v3) - AWS SDK-Codebeispiele

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Beispiele für Amazon Cognito Identity Provider mit SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Aktionen ausführen und allgemeine Szenarien implementieren, indem Sie AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) mit Amazon Cognito Identity Provider verwenden.

Aktionen sind Codeauszüge aus größeren Programmen und müssen im Kontext ausgeführt werden. Während Aktionen Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie einzelne Service-Funktionen aufrufen, können Sie Aktionen im Kontext der zugehörigen Szenarios anzeigen.

Szenarien sind Code-Beispiele, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie bestimmte Aufgaben ausführen, indem Sie mehrere Funktionen innerhalb eines Services aufrufen oder mit anderen AWS-Services kombinieren.

Jedes Beispiel enthält einen Link zum vollständigen Quellcode, in dem Sie Anweisungen zur Einrichtung und Ausführung des Codes im Kontext finden.

Erste Schritte

Die folgenden Codebeispiele veranschaulichen die ersten Schritte mit Amazon Cognito.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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import { paginateListUserPools, CognitoIdentityProviderClient, } from "@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider"; const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); export const helloCognito = async () => { const paginator = paginateListUserPools({ client }, {}); const userPoolNames = []; for await (const page of paginator) { const names = => pool.Name); userPoolNames.push(...names); } console.log("User pool names: "); console.log(userPoolNames.join("\n")); return userPoolNames; };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ListUserPoolsin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.


Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungAdminGetUser.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const adminGetUser = ({ userPoolId, username }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new AdminGetUserCommand({ UserPoolId: userPoolId, Username: username, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie AdminGetUserin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungAdminInitiateAuth.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const adminInitiateAuth = ({ clientId, userPoolId, username, password }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new AdminInitiateAuthCommand({ ClientId: clientId, UserPoolId: userPoolId, AuthFlow: AuthFlowType.ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH, AuthParameters: { USERNAME: username, PASSWORD: password }, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie AdminInitiateAuthin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungAdminRespondToAuthChallenge.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const adminRespondToAuthChallenge = ({ userPoolId, clientId, username, totp, session, }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new AdminRespondToAuthChallengeCommand({ ChallengeName: ChallengeNameType.SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA, ChallengeResponses: { SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE: totp, USERNAME: username, }, ClientId: clientId, UserPoolId: userPoolId, Session: session, }); return client.send(command); };

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungAssociateSoftwareToken.

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const associateSoftwareToken = (session) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new AssociateSoftwareTokenCommand({ Session: session, }); return client.send(command); };

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungConfirmDevice.

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const confirmDevice = ({ deviceKey, accessToken, passwordVerifier, salt }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new ConfirmDeviceCommand({ DeviceKey: deviceKey, AccessToken: accessToken, DeviceSecretVerifierConfig: { PasswordVerifier: passwordVerifier, Salt: salt, }, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ConfirmDevicein der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungConfirmSignUp.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const confirmSignUp = ({ clientId, username, code }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new ConfirmSignUpCommand({ ClientId: clientId, Username: username, ConfirmationCode: code, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ConfirmSignUpin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDeleteUser.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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/** * Delete the signed-in user. Useful for allowing a user to delete their * own profile. * @param {{ region: string, accessToken: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").DeleteUserCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const deleteUser = async ({ region, accessToken }) => { try { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region }); const response = await client.send( new DeleteUserCommand({ AccessToken: accessToken }), ); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie DeleteUserin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungInitiateAuth.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const initiateAuth = ({ username, password, clientId }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new InitiateAuthCommand({ AuthFlow: AuthFlowType.USER_PASSWORD_AUTH, AuthParameters: { USERNAME: username, PASSWORD: password, }, ClientId: clientId, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InitiateAuthin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungListUsers.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const listUsers = ({ userPoolId }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new ListUsersCommand({ UserPoolId: userPoolId, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ListUsersin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungResendConfirmationCode.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const resendConfirmationCode = ({ clientId, username }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new ResendConfirmationCodeCommand({ ClientId: clientId, Username: username, }); return client.send(command); };

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungRespondToAuthChallenge.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const respondToAuthChallenge = ({ clientId, username, session, userPoolId, code, }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new RespondToAuthChallengeCommand({ ChallengeName: ChallengeNameType.SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA, ChallengeResponses: { SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE: code, USERNAME: username, }, ClientId: clientId, UserPoolId: userPoolId, Session: session, }); return client.send(command); };

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungSignUp.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const signUp = ({ clientId, username, password, email }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new SignUpCommand({ ClientId: clientId, Username: username, Password: password, UserAttributes: [{ Name: "email", Value: email }], }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie SignUpin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungUpdateUserPool.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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/** * Connect a Lambda function to the PreSignUp trigger for a Cognito user pool * @param {{ region: string, userPoolId: string, handlerArn: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").UpdateUserPoolCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const addPreSignUpHandler = async ({ region, userPoolId, handlerArn, }) => { try { const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region, }); const command = new UpdateUserPoolCommand({ UserPoolId: userPoolId, LambdaConfig: { PreSignUp: handlerArn, }, }); const response = await cognitoClient.send(command); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie UpdateUserPoolin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungVerifySoftwareToken.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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const verifySoftwareToken = (totp) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); // The 'Session' is provided in the response to 'AssociateSoftwareToken'. const session = process.env.SESSION; if (!session) { throw new Error( "Missing a valid Session. Did you run 'admin-initiate-auth'?", ); } const command = new VerifySoftwareTokenCommand({ Session: session, UserCode: totp, }); return client.send(command); };
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie VerifySoftwareTokenin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.


Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie bekannte Amazon Cognito Cognito-Benutzer automatisch mit einer Lambda-Funktion bestätigt werden.

  • Konfigurieren Sie einen Benutzerpool, um eine Lambda-Funktion für den PreSignUp-Trigger aufzurufen.

  • Registrieren eines Benutzers bei Amazon Cognito.

  • Die Lambda-Funktion scannt eine DynamoDB-Tabelle und bestätigt automatisch bekannte Benutzer.

  • Melden Sie sich als neuer Benutzer an und bereinigen Sie dann die Ressourcen.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Konfigurieren Sie einen interaktiven „Szenario“-Lauf. Die JavaScript (v3) -Beispiele verwenden gemeinsam einen Szenario-Runner, um komplexe Beispiele zu vereinfachen. Der komplette Quellcode ist aktiviert GitHub.

import { AutoConfirm } from "./scenario-auto-confirm.js"; /** * The context is passed to every scenario. Scenario steps * will modify the context. */ const context = { errors: [], users: [ { UserName: "test_user_1", UserEmail: "", }, { UserName: "test_user_2", UserEmail: "", }, { UserName: "test_user_3", UserEmail: "", }, ], }; /** * Three Scenarios are created for the workflow. A Scenario is an orchestration class * that simplifies running a series of steps. */ export const scenarios = { // Demonstrate automatically confirming known users in a database. "auto-confirm": AutoConfirm(context), }; // Call function if run directly import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import { parseScenarioArgs } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/scenario/index.js"; if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { parseScenarioArgs(scenarios, { name: "Cognito user pools and triggers", description: "Demonstrate how to use the AWS SDKs to customize Amazon Cognito authentication behavior.", }); }

Dieses Szenario demonstriert die automatische Bestätigung eines bekannten Benutzers. Es orchestriert die Beispielschritte.

import { wait } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-timers.js"; import { Scenario, ScenarioAction, ScenarioInput, ScenarioOutput, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/scenario/scenario.js"; import { getStackOutputs, logCleanUpReminder, promptForStackName, promptForStackRegion, skipWhenErrors, } from "./steps-common.js"; import { populateTable } from "./actions/dynamodb-actions.js"; import { addPreSignUpHandler, deleteUser, getUser, signIn, signUpUser, } from "./actions/cognito-actions.js"; import { getLatestLogStreamForLambda, getLogEvents, } from "./actions/cloudwatch-logs-actions.js"; /** * @typedef {{ * errors: Error[], * password: string, * users: { UserName: string, UserEmail: string }[], * selectedUser?: string, * stackName?: string, * stackRegion?: string, * token?: string, * confirmDeleteSignedInUser?: boolean, * TableName?: string, * UserPoolClientId?: string, * UserPoolId?: string, * UserPoolArn?: string, * AutoConfirmHandlerArn?: string, * AutoConfirmHandlerName?: string * }} State */ const greeting = new ScenarioOutput( "greeting", (/** @type {State} */ state) => `This demo will populate some users into the \ database created as part of the "${state.stackName}" stack. \ Then the autoConfirmHandler will be linked to the PreSignUp \ trigger from Cognito. Finally, you will choose a user to sign up.`, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const logPopulatingUsers = new ScenarioOutput( "logPopulatingUsers", "Populating the DynamoDB table with some users.", { skipWhenErrors: skipWhenErrors }, ); const logPopulatingUsersComplete = new ScenarioOutput( "logPopulatingUsersComplete", "Done populating users.", { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const populateUsers = new ScenarioAction( "populateUsers", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { const [_, err] = await populateTable({ region: state.stackRegion, tableName: state.TableName, items: state.users, }); if (err) { state.errors.push(err); } }, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors, }, ); const logSetupSignUpTrigger = new ScenarioOutput( "logSetupSignUpTrigger", "Setting up the PreSignUp trigger for the Cognito User Pool.", { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const setupSignUpTrigger = new ScenarioAction( "setupSignUpTrigger", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { const [_, err] = await addPreSignUpHandler({ region: state.stackRegion, userPoolId: state.UserPoolId, handlerArn: state.AutoConfirmHandlerArn, }); if (err) { state.errors.push(err); } }, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors, }, ); const logSetupSignUpTriggerComplete = new ScenarioOutput( "logSetupSignUpTriggerComplete", ( /** @type {State} */ state, ) => `The lambda function "${state.AutoConfirmHandlerName}" \ has been configured as the PreSignUp trigger handler for the user pool "${state.UserPoolId}".`, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const selectUser = new ScenarioInput( "selectedUser", "Select a user to sign up.", { type: "select", choices: (/** @type {State} */ state) => => u.UserName), skipWhen: skipWhenErrors, default: (/** @type {State} */ state) => state.users[0].UserName, }, ); const checkIfUserAlreadyExists = new ScenarioAction( "checkIfUserAlreadyExists", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { const [user, err] = await getUser({ region: state.stackRegion, userPoolId: state.UserPoolId, username: state.selectedUser, }); if (err?.name === "UserNotFoundException") { // Do nothing. We're not expecting the user to exist before // sign up is complete. return; } if (err) { state.errors.push(err); return; } if (user) { state.errors.push( new Error( `The user "${state.selectedUser}" already exists in the user pool "${state.UserPoolId}".`, ), ); } }, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors, }, ); const createPassword = new ScenarioInput( "password", "Enter a password that has at least eight characters, uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols.", { type: "password", skipWhen: skipWhenErrors, default: "Abcd1234!" }, ); const logSignUpExistingUser = new ScenarioOutput( "logSignUpExistingUser", (/** @type {State} */ state) => `Signing up user "${state.selectedUser}".`, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const signUpExistingUser = new ScenarioAction( "signUpExistingUser", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { const signUp = (password) => signUpUser({ region: state.stackRegion, userPoolClientId: state.UserPoolClientId, username: state.selectedUser, email: state.users.find((u) => u.UserName === state.selectedUser) .UserEmail, password, }); let [_, err] = await signUp(state.password); while (err?.name === "InvalidPasswordException") { console.warn("The password you entered was invalid."); await createPassword.handle(state); [_, err] = await signUp(state.password); } if (err) { state.errors.push(err); } }, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const logSignUpExistingUserComplete = new ScenarioOutput( "logSignUpExistingUserComplete", (/** @type {State} */ state) => `"${state.selectedUser} was signed up successfully.`, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const logLambdaLogs = new ScenarioAction( "logLambdaLogs", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { console.log( "Waiting a few seconds to let Lambda write to CloudWatch Logs...\n", ); await wait(10); const [logStream, logStreamErr] = await getLatestLogStreamForLambda({ functionName: state.AutoConfirmHandlerName, region: state.stackRegion, }); if (logStreamErr) { state.errors.push(logStreamErr); return; } console.log( `Getting some recent events from log stream "${logStream.logStreamName}"`, ); const [logEvents, logEventsErr] = await getLogEvents({ functionName: state.AutoConfirmHandlerName, region: state.stackRegion, eventCount: 10, logStreamName: logStream.logStreamName, }); if (logEventsErr) { state.errors.push(logEventsErr); return; } console.log( => `\t${ev.message}`).join("")); }, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const logSignInUser = new ScenarioOutput( "logSignInUser", (/** @type {State} */ state) => `Let's sign in as ${state.selectedUser}`, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const signInUser = new ScenarioAction( "signInUser", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { const [response, err] = await signIn({ region: state.stackRegion, clientId: state.UserPoolClientId, username: state.selectedUser, password: state.password, }); if (err?.name === "PasswordResetRequiredException") { state.errors.push(new Error("Please reset your password.")); return; } if (err) { state.errors.push(err); return; } state.token = response?.AuthenticationResult?.AccessToken; }, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const logSignInUserComplete = new ScenarioOutput( "logSignInUserComplete", (/** @type {State} */ state) => `Successfully signed in. Your access token starts with: ${state.token.slice(0, 11)}`, { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const confirmDeleteSignedInUser = new ScenarioInput( "confirmDeleteSignedInUser", "Do you want to delete the currently signed in user?", { type: "confirm", skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, ); const deleteSignedInUser = new ScenarioAction( "deleteSignedInUser", async (/** @type {State} */ state) => { const [_, err] = await deleteUser({ region: state.stackRegion, accessToken: state.token, }); if (err) { state.errors.push(err); } }, { skipWhen: (/** @type {State} */ state) => skipWhenErrors(state) || !state.confirmDeleteSignedInUser, }, ); const logErrors = new ScenarioOutput( "logErrors", (/** @type {State}*/ state) => { const errorList = state.errors .map((err) => ` - ${}: ${err.message}`) .join("\n"); return `Scenario errors found:\n${errorList}`; }, { // Don't log errors when there aren't any! skipWhen: (/** @type {State} */ state) => state.errors.length === 0, }, ); export const AutoConfirm = (context) => new Scenario( "AutoConfirm", [ promptForStackName, promptForStackRegion, getStackOutputs, greeting, logPopulatingUsers, populateUsers, logPopulatingUsersComplete, logSetupSignUpTrigger, setupSignUpTrigger, logSetupSignUpTriggerComplete, selectUser, checkIfUserAlreadyExists, createPassword, logSignUpExistingUser, signUpExistingUser, logSignUpExistingUserComplete, logLambdaLogs, logSignInUser, signInUser, logSignInUserComplete, confirmDeleteSignedInUser, deleteSignedInUser, logCleanUpReminder, logErrors, ], context, );

Dies sind Schritte, die mit anderen Szenarien geteilt werden.

import { ScenarioAction, ScenarioInput, ScenarioOutput, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/scenario/scenario.js"; import { getCfnOutputs } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/sdk/cfn-outputs.js"; export const skipWhenErrors = (state) => state.errors.length > 0; export const getStackOutputs = new ScenarioAction( "getStackOutputs", async (state) => { if (!state.stackName || !state.stackRegion) { state.errors.push( new Error( "No stack name or region provided. The stack name and \ region are required to fetch CFN outputs relevant to this example.", ), ); return; } const outputs = await getCfnOutputs(state.stackName, state.stackRegion); Object.assign(state, outputs); }, ); export const promptForStackName = new ScenarioInput( "stackName", "Enter the name of the stack you deployed earlier.", { type: "input", default: "PoolsAndTriggersStack" }, ); export const promptForStackRegion = new ScenarioInput( "stackRegion", "Enter the region of the stack you deployed earlier.", { type: "input", default: "us-east-1" }, ); export const logCleanUpReminder = new ScenarioOutput( "logCleanUpReminder", "All done. Remember to run 'cdk destroy' to teardown the stack.", { skipWhen: skipWhenErrors }, );

Ein Handler für den PreSignUp-Trigger mit einer Lambda-Funktion.

import type { PreSignUpTriggerEvent, Handler } from "aws-lambda"; import type { UserRepository } from "./user-repository"; import { DynamoDBUserRepository } from "./user-repository"; export class PreSignUpHandler { private userRepository: UserRepository; constructor(userRepository: UserRepository) { this.userRepository = userRepository; } private isPreSignUpTriggerSource(event: PreSignUpTriggerEvent): boolean { return event.triggerSource === "PreSignUp_SignUp"; } private getEventUserEmail(event: PreSignUpTriggerEvent): string { return; } async handlePreSignUpTriggerEvent( event: PreSignUpTriggerEvent, ): Promise<PreSignUpTriggerEvent> { console.log( `Received presignup from ${event.triggerSource} for user '${event.userName}'`, ); if (!this.isPreSignUpTriggerSource(event)) { return event; } const eventEmail = this.getEventUserEmail(event); console.log(`Looking up email ${eventEmail}.`); const storedUserInfo = await this.userRepository.getUserInfoByEmail(eventEmail); if (!storedUserInfo) { console.log( `Email ${eventEmail} not found. Email verification is required.`, ); return event; } if (storedUserInfo.UserName !== event.userName) { console.log( `UserEmail ${eventEmail} found, but stored UserName '${storedUserInfo.UserName}' does not match supplied UserName '${event.userName}'. Verification is required.`, ); } else { console.log( `UserEmail ${eventEmail} found with matching UserName ${storedUserInfo.UserName}. User is confirmed.`, ); event.response.autoConfirmUser = true; event.response.autoVerifyEmail = true; } return event; } } const createPreSignUpHandler = (): PreSignUpHandler => { const tableName = process.env.TABLE_NAME; if (!tableName) { throw new Error("TABLE_NAME environment variable is not set"); } const userRepository = new DynamoDBUserRepository(tableName); return new PreSignUpHandler(userRepository); }; export const handler: Handler = async (event: PreSignUpTriggerEvent) => { const preSignUpHandler = createPreSignUpHandler(); return preSignUpHandler.handlePreSignUpTriggerEvent(event); };

Modul zur CloudWatch Protokollierung von Aktionen.

import { CloudWatchLogsClient, GetLogEventsCommand, OrderBy, paginateDescribeLogStreams, } from "@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs"; /** * Get the latest log stream for a Lambda function. * @param {{ functionName: string, region: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs").LogStream | null, unknown]>} */ export const getLatestLogStreamForLambda = async ({ functionName, region }) => { try { const logGroupName = `/aws/lambda/${functionName}`; const cwlClient = new CloudWatchLogsClient({ region }); const paginator = paginateDescribeLogStreams( { client: cwlClient }, { descending: true, limit: 1, orderBy: OrderBy.LastEventTime, logGroupName, }, ); for await (const page of paginator) { return [page.logStreams[0], null]; } } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } }; /** * Get the log events for a Lambda function's log stream. * @param {{ * functionName: string, * logStreamName: string, * eventCount: number, * region: string * }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs").OutputLogEvent[] | null, unknown]>} */ export const getLogEvents = async ({ functionName, logStreamName, eventCount, region, }) => { try { const cwlClient = new CloudWatchLogsClient({ region }); const logGroupName = `/aws/lambda/${functionName}`; const response = await cwlClient.send( new GetLogEventsCommand({ logStreamName: logStreamName, limit: eventCount, logGroupName: logGroupName, }), ); return [, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } };

Modul für Amazon-Cognito-Aktionen.

import { AdminGetUserCommand, CognitoIdentityProviderClient, DeleteUserCommand, InitiateAuthCommand, SignUpCommand, UpdateUserPoolCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider"; /** * Connect a Lambda function to the PreSignUp trigger for a Cognito user pool * @param {{ region: string, userPoolId: string, handlerArn: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").UpdateUserPoolCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const addPreSignUpHandler = async ({ region, userPoolId, handlerArn, }) => { try { const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region, }); const command = new UpdateUserPoolCommand({ UserPoolId: userPoolId, LambdaConfig: { PreSignUp: handlerArn, }, }); const response = await cognitoClient.send(command); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } }; /** * Attempt to register a user to a user pool with a given username and password. * @param {{ * region: string, * userPoolClientId: string, * username: string, * email: string, * password: string * }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").SignUpCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const signUpUser = async ({ region, userPoolClientId, username, email, password, }) => { try { const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region, }); const response = await cognitoClient.send( new SignUpCommand({ ClientId: userPoolClientId, Username: username, Password: password, UserAttributes: [{ Name: "email", Value: email }], }), ); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } }; /** * Sign in a user to Amazon Cognito using a username and password authentication flow. * @param {{ region: string, clientId: string, username: string, password: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").InitiateAuthCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const signIn = async ({ region, clientId, username, password }) => { try { const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region }); const response = await cognitoClient.send( new InitiateAuthCommand({ AuthFlow: "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH", ClientId: clientId, AuthParameters: { USERNAME: username, PASSWORD: password }, }), ); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } }; /** * Retrieve an existing user from a user pool. * @param {{ region: string, userPoolId: string, username: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").AdminGetUserCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const getUser = async ({ region, userPoolId, username }) => { try { const cognitoClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region }); const response = await cognitoClient.send( new AdminGetUserCommand({ UserPoolId: userPoolId, Username: username, }), ); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } }; /** * Delete the signed-in user. Useful for allowing a user to delete their * own profile. * @param {{ region: string, accessToken: string }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider").DeleteUserCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const deleteUser = async ({ region, accessToken }) => { try { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({ region }); const response = await client.send( new DeleteUserCommand({ AccessToken: accessToken }), ); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } };

Modul für DynamoDB-Aktionen.

import { DynamoDBClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb"; import { BatchWriteCommand, DynamoDBDocumentClient, } from "@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb"; /** * Populate a DynamoDB table with provide items. * @param {{ region: string, tableName: string, items: Record<string, unknown>[] }} config * @returns {Promise<[import("@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb").BatchWriteCommandOutput | null, unknown]>} */ export const populateTable = async ({ region, tableName, items }) => { try { const ddbClient = new DynamoDBClient({ region }); const docClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(ddbClient); const response = await docClient.send( new BatchWriteCommand({ RequestItems: { [tableName]: => ({ PutRequest: { Item: item, }, })), }, }), ); return [response, null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } };

Wie das aussehen kann, sehen Sie am nachfolgenden Beispielcode:

  • Registrieren Sie einen Benutzer mit einem Benutzernamen, einem Passwort und einer E-Mail-Adresse und bestätigen Sie ihn.

  • Einrichten der Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung durch Zuordnung einer MFA-Anwendung zu dem Benutzer.

  • Anmelden unter Verwendung eines Passworts und eines MFA-Codes.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Um die beste Erfahrung zu erzielen, klonen Sie das GitHub Repository und führen Sie dieses Beispiel aus. Der folgende Code ist ein Teil der vollständigen Beispielanwendung.

import { logger } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-log.js"; import { signUp } from "../../../actions/sign-up.js"; import { FILE_USER_POOLS } from "./constants.js"; import { getSecondValuesFromEntries } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-csv.js"; const validateClient = (clientId) => { if (!clientId) { throw new Error( `App client id is missing. Did you run 'create-user-pool'?`, ); } }; const validateUser = (username, password, email) => { if (!(username && password && email)) { throw new Error( `Username, password, and email must be provided as arguments to the 'sign-up' command.`, ); } }; const signUpHandler = async (commands) => { const [_, username, password, email] = commands; try { validateUser(username, password, email); /** * @type {string[]} */ const values = getSecondValuesFromEntries(FILE_USER_POOLS); const clientId = values[0]; validateClient(clientId); logger.log("Signing up."); await signUp({ clientId, username, password, email }); logger.log(`Signed up. A confirmation email has been sent to: ${email}.`); logger.log( `Run 'confirm-sign-up ${username} <code>' to confirm your account.`, ); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); } }; export { signUpHandler }; const signUp = ({ clientId, username, password, email }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new SignUpCommand({ ClientId: clientId, Username: username, Password: password, UserAttributes: [{ Name: "email", Value: email }], }); return client.send(command); }; import { logger } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-log.js"; import { confirmSignUp } from "../../../actions/confirm-sign-up.js"; import { FILE_USER_POOLS } from "./constants.js"; import { getSecondValuesFromEntries } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-csv.js"; const validateClient = (clientId) => { if (!clientId) { throw new Error( `App client id is missing. Did you run 'create-user-pool'?`, ); } }; const validateUser = (username) => { if (!username) { throw new Error( `Username name is missing. It must be provided as an argument to the 'confirm-sign-up' command.`, ); } }; const validateCode = (code) => { if (!code) { throw new Error( `Verification code is missing. It must be provided as an argument to the 'confirm-sign-up' command.`, ); } }; const confirmSignUpHandler = async (commands) => { const [_, username, code] = commands; try { validateUser(username); validateCode(code); /** * @type {string[]} */ const values = getSecondValuesFromEntries(FILE_USER_POOLS); const clientId = values[0]; validateClient(clientId); logger.log("Confirming user."); await confirmSignUp({ clientId, username, code }); logger.log( `User confirmed. Run 'admin-initiate-auth ${username} <password>' to sign in.`, ); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); } }; export { confirmSignUpHandler }; const confirmSignUp = ({ clientId, username, code }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new ConfirmSignUpCommand({ ClientId: clientId, Username: username, ConfirmationCode: code, }); return client.send(command); }; import qrcode from "qrcode-terminal"; import { logger } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-log.js"; import { adminInitiateAuth } from "../../../actions/admin-initiate-auth.js"; import { associateSoftwareToken } from "../../../actions/associate-software-token.js"; import { FILE_USER_POOLS } from "./constants.js"; import { getFirstEntry } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-csv.js"; const handleMfaSetup = async (session, username) => { const { SecretCode, Session } = await associateSoftwareToken(session); // Store the Session for use with 'VerifySoftwareToken'. process.env.SESSION = Session; console.log( "Scan this code in your preferred authenticator app, then run 'verify-software-token' to finish the setup.", ); qrcode.generate( `otpauth://totp/${username}?secret=${SecretCode}`, { small: true }, console.log, ); }; const handleSoftwareTokenMfa = (session) => { // Store the Session for use with 'AdminRespondToAuthChallenge'. process.env.SESSION = session; }; const validateClient = (id) => { if (!id) { throw new Error( `User pool client id is missing. Did you run 'create-user-pool'?`, ); } }; const validateId = (id) => { if (!id) { throw new Error(`User pool id is missing. Did you run 'create-user-pool'?`); } }; const validateUser = (username, password) => { if (!(username && password)) { throw new Error( `Username and password must be provided as arguments to the 'admin-initiate-auth' command.`, ); } }; const adminInitiateAuthHandler = async (commands) => { const [_, username, password] = commands; try { validateUser(username, password); const [userPoolId, clientId] = getFirstEntry(FILE_USER_POOLS); validateId(userPoolId); validateClient(clientId); logger.log("Signing in."); const { ChallengeName, Session } = await adminInitiateAuth({ clientId, userPoolId, username, password, }); if (ChallengeName === "MFA_SETUP") { logger.log("MFA setup is required."); return handleMfaSetup(Session, username); } if (ChallengeName === "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA") { handleSoftwareTokenMfa(Session); logger.log(`Run 'admin-respond-to-auth-challenge ${username} <totp>'`); } } catch (err) { logger.error(err); } }; export { adminInitiateAuthHandler }; const adminInitiateAuth = ({ clientId, userPoolId, username, password }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new AdminInitiateAuthCommand({ ClientId: clientId, UserPoolId: userPoolId, AuthFlow: AuthFlowType.ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH, AuthParameters: { USERNAME: username, PASSWORD: password }, }); return client.send(command); }; import { logger } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-log.js"; import { adminRespondToAuthChallenge } from "../../../actions/admin-respond-to-auth-challenge.js"; import { getFirstEntry } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-csv.js"; import { FILE_USER_POOLS } from "./constants.js"; const verifyUsername = (username) => { if (!username) { throw new Error( `Username is missing. It must be provided as an argument to the 'admin-respond-to-auth-challenge' command.`, ); } }; const verifyTotp = (totp) => { if (!totp) { throw new Error( `Time-based one-time password (TOTP) is missing. It must be provided as an argument to the 'admin-respond-to-auth-challenge' command.`, ); } }; const storeAccessToken = (token) => { process.env.AccessToken = token; }; const adminRespondToAuthChallengeHandler = async (commands) => { const [_, username, totp] = commands; try { verifyUsername(username); verifyTotp(totp); const [userPoolId, clientId] = getFirstEntry(FILE_USER_POOLS); const session = process.env.SESSION; const { AuthenticationResult } = await adminRespondToAuthChallenge({ clientId, userPoolId, username, totp, session, }); storeAccessToken(AuthenticationResult.AccessToken); logger.log("Successfully authenticated."); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); } }; export { adminRespondToAuthChallengeHandler }; const respondToAuthChallenge = ({ clientId, username, session, userPoolId, code, }) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); const command = new RespondToAuthChallengeCommand({ ChallengeName: ChallengeNameType.SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA, ChallengeResponses: { SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE: code, USERNAME: username, }, ClientId: clientId, UserPoolId: userPoolId, Session: session, }); return client.send(command); }; import { logger } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-log.js"; import { verifySoftwareToken } from "../../../actions/verify-software-token.js"; const validateTotp = (totp) => { if (!totp) { throw new Error( `Time-based one-time password (TOTP) must be provided to the 'validate-software-token' command.`, ); } }; const verifySoftwareTokenHandler = async (commands) => { const [_, totp] = commands; try { validateTotp(totp); logger.log("Verifying TOTP."); await verifySoftwareToken(totp); logger.log("TOTP Verified. Run 'admin-initiate-auth' again to sign-in."); } catch (err) { logger.error(err); } }; export { verifySoftwareTokenHandler }; const verifySoftwareToken = (totp) => { const client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({}); // The 'Session' is provided in the response to 'AssociateSoftwareToken'. const session = process.env.SESSION; if (!session) { throw new Error( "Missing a valid Session. Did you run 'admin-initiate-auth'?", ); } const command = new VerifySoftwareTokenCommand({ Session: session, UserCode: totp, }); return client.send(command); };