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Laden Sie mithilfe eines AWS SDK einen Stream unbekannter Größe von einem Amazon S3 S3-Objekt herunter
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein Stream unbekannter Größe von einem Amazon S3 S3-Objekt heruntergeladen wird.
- SDK für Swift
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einrichten und ausführen. import ArgumentParser import AWSClientRuntime import AWSS3 import Foundation import Smithy import SmithyHTTPAPI import SmithyStreams /// Download a file from the specified bucket. /// /// - Parameters: /// - bucket: The Amazon S3 bucket name to get the file from. /// - key: The name (or path) of the file to download from the bucket. /// - destPath: The pathname on the local filesystem at which to store /// the downloaded file. func downloadFile(bucket: String, key: String, destPath: String?) async throws { let fileURL: URL // If no destination path was provided, use the key as the name to use // for the file in the downloads folder. if destPath == nil { do { try fileURL = FileManager.default.url( for: .downloadsDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: URL(string: key), create: true ).appendingPathComponent(key) } catch { throw TransferError.directoryError } } else { fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: destPath!) } let config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration(region: region) let s3Client = S3Client(config: config) // Create a `FileHandle` referencing the local destination. Then // create a `ByteStream` from that. FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: fileURL.path, contents: nil, attributes: nil) let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forWritingTo: fileURL) // Download the file using `GetObject`. let getInput = GetObjectInput( bucket: bucket, key: key ) do { let getOutput = try await s3Client.getObject(input: getInput) guard let body = getOutput.body else { throw TransferError.downloadError("Error: No data returned for download") } // If the body is returned as a `Data` object, write that to the // file. If it's a stream, read the stream chunk by chunk, // appending each chunk to the destination file. switch body { case .data: guard let data = try await body.readData() else { throw TransferError.downloadError("Download error") } // Write the `Data` to the file. do { try data.write(to: fileURL) } catch { throw TransferError.writeError } break case .stream(let stream as ReadableStream): while (true) { let chunk = try await stream.readAsync(upToCount: 5 * 1024 * 1024) guard let chunk = chunk else { break } // Write the chunk to the destination file. do { try fileHandle.write(contentsOf: chunk) } catch { throw TransferError.writeError } } break default: throw TransferError.downloadError("Received data is unknown object type") } } catch { throw TransferError.downloadError("Error downloading the file: \(error)") } print("File downloaded to \(fileURL.path).") }